(heating season 1: 2019-2020), the year after various software solutions were installed (heating season 2: 2020-2021), and again in heat season 3: 2021-2022. The purpose was to prove savings between seasons 2 and 3. For TREFOR, the result was 2-3 % with the integration of se- lected HEAT 4.0 tools. Similar values were documented for Brønderslev Utility, who has calculated the savings to the amount of €135,000 per year as an economic effect of a re- duced heat loss in the heating network. In addition to the large financial savings, Brønderslev Utility reports achieving optimized pump operation, a better balance between pres- sure and temperatures, and an improved analysis tool for operational planning. Both plants represent a typical district heating plant. Therefore, it is evident that many district heat- ing utilities – both in Denmark and abroad – will benefit from using HEAT 4.0 tools to optimize their district heating opera- tion and distribution. An equal cross-disciplinary collaboration HEAT 4.0 is based on a cooperative business approach that aims to support the district heating sector with digitally supported solutions, services, software, hardware, methods, and algorithms. Despite potential competition conditions among the HEAT 4.0 partners, all companies in the project have worked closely together with a professional, open-mind- ed business approach and heading towards a common dig- ital goal. Each has offered its technology and knowledge on equal terms, making HEAT 4.0 a unique innovation project. Read the individual results for each participating partner on

Danish. The project has documented the following possible savings from data-driven optimization of the district heating system:

Significant savings using improved weather and temperature forecasts and heat consumption predictions

10 – 30% savings from predictive control of heat pumps

5 – 20%savings by integrating forecasting into the buildings' smart management systems (smart house)

Up to 20% savings by using the grid and houses for flexible energy storage

10 – 40% improvements in electricity and heat load forecasts

Up to 20% savings through optimal operation and bid- ding, i.e., purchase of energy at the most advantageous times The above results are research-based feedback from the part- ners involved, each representing its part of the holistic district heating system: production, distribution, and consumption. The results testify to the fact that through digitalization, it is possible to create valuable synergy and efficiency for the en- tire district heating system through intelligent use and inter- connection of data. Positive results At the participating HEAT 4.0 district heating plants, the de- scribed cross-cutting optimization (CSO) solution and some of the above savings options were tested. Thus, measurements were carried out both before the implementation of HEAT 4.0

For further information please contact: Michael Lassen Schmidt, Senior Project Director,


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