DISCOVERPROPER ERGONOMICS FOR YOUR HOME OFFICE! With all of us working from home, it can be difficult to find a comfortable workspace. However, it is important tomake sure that the ergonomics in your office are functioningproperly, inorder to avoiddevelopingunwanted aches and pains.
When working from home, ask yourself, “how do I maintain my posture throughout the day?” Do you catch yourself slouching frequently? Do those last couple hours of the workday leave you achy and ready to call it quits? If you are experiencing aches and pains, especially in your neck or back, poor posture is probably to blame. Fortunately, posture can be improved with some ergonomic changes suggested by our Equilibrium physiotherapists and chiropractors. Making the Most of Your Work-From-Home Days If you work from your home office all day, it is important to have a proper ergonomicsetup.Makesurethatyouareataproperheightwithyourdeskchair andcomputer, soyoudon’t have toslouchor lean forward. Additionally,make sureyourchairhas theproper lumbarsupport needed tohelpyousit straight while you’reworking. These simple steps canhelp tremendouslywith your overall posture. If you are at a desk for extended periods of the day, it is important tomake sure your back posture is okay. Sit upright, place your feet flat on the floor, and try not to cross your legs. Make sure there is a small gap between the back of your knees and the chair. Having a chair with strong back support and padding is also recommended formaking your upright positionmore comfortable. In addition tomaking themost of your home office, it is also important to make sure you are taking care of your body.
Whenworking fromhome, it is no secret thatmost of the day is spent with limited levels ofmobility. It is important tomake sure that youget up every 30 minutes or so and take a small walk, at least for a minute or two. This will help in loosening up your muscles and joints, as well as initiating a stronger blood flow. Exercise is incredibly important in general, especially if your job involves several hours of inactivity. When you exercise, you are stretching and strengthening certain muscles of your body, including problem areas such as your neck and back. Takingevenasmall amount of time towalkor jogaround theneighborhood every day after working from home can highly improve your posture and gait – in addition to helping you get you out of the house for some time!
EXERC I SE ESSENT I ALS Lumbar Extension
Always consult your therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of.
Exercises copyright of
Repeat Trunk Flexion (to Floor)
Stand with good posture, feet shoulder-width apart. Position your hands on the backs of your hips. Lean back, as far as you comfortably can. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat 5 times.
Sit in a chair with hands on thighs. Let your trunk drop toward the floor, using your arms to control the movement. Let your arms dangle to the floor. Now use your arms to push yourself up. Repeat 3 times.
Relieves Back Pain
Relieves Back Pain
O U R C L I N I C I A N S F I L L U P Q U I C K LY , S O C O N TA C T U S T O B O O K N OW !
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