2022-23 Annual Report

Celebrating DAVE CORT On June 30, 2023, Dave Cort retired after 32 years as the Community Center’s Executive Director and moved into a new, part-time position as the Community Ambassador. When Dave was hired in 1991, the Center had a $30,000 budget and Dave was the only paid employee, working 13 hours a week. The success of Dave’s career can be tracked alongside the amazing growth of the organization. Today, the Community Center has a $2 Million budget, 25 employees, and robust programs in the areas of: recreation, wellness, youth & teens, seniors, emergency response/disaster preparedness, food security, visual and performing arts, education, workforce development, and public health. The Center has restored and improved our historic building and in 2010, under Dave’s leadership and in collaboration with the Gym Committee, the Joint Use Community Gym was built and created new pathways for healthy living and community building.

The Dave cort futures fund

Da v e can be pr o u d of t he r e s ilien t and im p ac t f u l o r gani z a t ion t ha t he b u il t t h r o u gh hi s ha r d w o r k and r ela t ion s hi p b u ilding . O ur dono rs , p a rt ne rs , v ol u n t ee rs , and b r oade r comm u ni ty ha v e trust ed t he Cen t e r t o e xp and , r i s ing t o t he occa s ion e v e ry t ime t he need s in t he comm u ni ty inc r ea s ed . E v en a s Da v e st e ps a s ide a s E x ec ut i v e Di r ec t o r and in t o t he Comm u ni ty Amba ss ado r r ole , he i s commi tt ed t o en sur ing t he long - t e r m heal t h and v i t ali ty of t he Comm u ni ty Cen t e r. YOU can join Da v e and hono r hi s effo rts b y making a dona t ion t o t he Da v e Co rt F utur e s F u nd . Thi s f u nd aim s t o r ai s e $ 750 , 000 o v e r t he ne xt t h r ee y ea rs t o supp o rt Da v e ’ s life ’ s w o r k and pr o p el t he Cen t e r in t o i ts ne xt e r a of im p ac t. Lea r n mo r e : s g v cc . o r g / w a ys - t o - gi v e / da v e - co rt - f utur e s - f u nd / THANK YOU FROM OUR STAFF AND BOARD Board of Directors David Bernard President Staff Alexa Davidson

Marta Galvez Poko Giacomini Eric Humphrey

Executive Director Alejandro Alvarado Zoila Berardi Dave Cort Buck Chavez Anne Darragh Sophie Davidson Albert DeSilver Perla de los Santos

Carolina Balazs John Beckerley Sarah Brewster Matthew Brockley Owen Clapp Buddy Faure Zachary Goodman Steve Granville Brandon Johnson David Lakes Kelly Lawson Alexander McQuilkin Wyatt Miceli Liora Soladay Amy Waterhouse Bonny White Founder Jean Berensmeier

Maile Marino Taylor Marino Michele McCourtney

Kerry Olivotti Lori Ramirez Nicole Ramirez Larry Rippee Cory VanGelder Julie Young

Helen Ferlino Danielle Fogel

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