PeakMotionPT: How Posture Affects Back & Neck Pain

“Improve Posture Without Pain! ”

Simple Exercises To Relieve Back Pain

WALL POSTURE The following postural exercise is designed to strengthen weakened and chronically fatigued postural muscles, and to stretch commonly tight and spastic postural muscles. This exercise stretches the low back muscles, strengthens the abdominal muscles, stretches tight neck muscles, strengthens weak postural muscles of the neck, and strengthens the muscles that support good posture in your middle back. How it’s done: Stand with your heels up against a wall. Attempt to get your heels, buttock, shoulders and head to touch the wall at the same time. STANDING LUMBAR EXTENSIONS Spine extension is very important for posture and health. Since there is very little in life that we do bending backwards, taking time with exercise to move this direction can help keep our backs in balance. Ideally, every segment of the spine should move freely and easily in all directions. The real goal with good spine extension is to get the entire spine actively participating, which means the middle back has to learn how to extend –movement away from its natural curve. Practicing extension exercises also provides an opportunity to stretch and lengthen through the front of the body. In the long run this will help improve movement of the spine in all directions. How it’s done: Stand with good posture, feet shoulder width apart. Position your hands on the backs of your hips. Lean back, as far as you comfortably can. Slowly return to the start position.


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