King's Business - 1950-10

is this world coming to, if our lives are to hang in the balance day after day, with fear gnawing at our hearts and uncertainty eating away our peace o f mind as to whether we shall be able to live another twenty-four hours. Who remembers the battle cry of World War I when this country was aroused with the slogan, “ Save the World for Democracy,” or the loud protestations o f World War II that this was to be “ A War To End Wars” ? Now newspapers solemnly warn us to get rid o f trash, leaves, rags and old newspapers; to wear loose- fitting and light-colored blouses with long sleeves buttoned at the wrist for protection. When the warning comes, to lie flat on the stomach with our face in our arms and our eyes cov­ ered. These things are labeled “ Blue Prints for Survival.” Our imagina­ tion can easily take us back to the darkest days o f the Dark Ages. But such is the discouraging summit o f man’s upward climb apart from God. Do not be deceived! There is no defense against man’s inhumanity to man. There is no safety against hu­ man hatred. There is no bomb shelter against potentialities o f the unloosed wrath o f wicked men. On the other hand, there is safety indeed for the child o f God who has come to know the peace of God through the accep­ tance o f the sacrifice o f His Son. When God promised peace to His child He meant exactly that, and safe­ ty too, and all the resources o f an immeasurably Omnipotent God are placed in defense around the soul that has put his trust in Christ. No one and nothing on earth, in Heaven or hell, can disturb that one who has come by faith into the sheltering love o f our Heavenly Father. Come atomic explosions or man’s hatred, the child o f God has the divine ironclad guar­ antee o f both peace and safety. The Rock o f Ages has sheltered many a trusting soul through the centuries and is the safe rock o f our defense today. The Roman Church Proclaims Another Dogma N OW comes the announcement from the propaganda presses o f the Vatican that it is a dogma (un­ questioned, unassailable, taught doc­ trine) o f the Roman Catholic Church that not only was the Virgin Mary born without sin but that a few years after the death and resurrection of Christ, she, in her physical body, was transported into Heaven without hav­ ing to pass through the gates o f T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

sponsive audiences, and are witness- ing the power o f the Gospel o f Christ to save people in this generation. In scores o f communities plans are under way for the churches to unite in an endeavor to reach souls for Christ. Many organizations are taking their cue from these revivals and are en­ larging their borders and strengthen­ ing their stakes. It may be that our beloved land o f America is in for a real heaven-sent revival. It may be that these are the beginnings o f a miraculous sweep o f the Spirit o f God across the country which will bring in its wake such a turning to God as has not been known since the days of the Great Awakening. Surely these are signs o f over­ whelming importance and they call for the most earnest prayer support from everyone who loves the name of Christ. I f God is moving, let us move with Him. If this is God’s call, let us answer the call. If this is God’s opportunity, let us meet the challenge. I f God is going to give us a revival, then let us understand that this is a mark of His mighty grace calling unto His loving heart additional thousands and perhaps millions of precious souls. It is a solemn thought o f the utmost importance that if this be God’s revival it is, without a doubt, the last great revival that this world will know before the coming o f Christ and the subsequent terrible struggle between the forces o f God and Satan. If there is ever a need for Christian people to pray, it is in the present hour in which we live. Do This If You Want To Live! T HE instructions which are given in various newspapers and maga­ zines as to what to do in case of atomic blasts are grimly ironical. It is almost laughable to endeavor to reconcile the pride, high-sounding as­ pirations and achievements o f the en­ lightened twentieth century with the horrifying details o f how to scurry around and protect one’s life in the event o f an atomic explosion. What

Is It To Be Revival? I N OUR present age, a popular ser­ mon subject has been: “ Revolution, Rapture, or Revival.” The idea was to set forth three alternatives: world revolution, the coming o f Christ for His own, or wide-spread national, and perhaps international, revival. It is easy to see the possibility of world revolution. Hardly a day goes by without hearing o f it from press and radio. On the other hand, signs of the coming o f Christ multiply, with Israel back in her own land, and con­ ditions on the European continent lending themselves to the formation o f a United States o f Europe. But during the last two years, re­ vival fires have appeared to flame up from almost nowhere, and today are burning brightly across our land. The meetings under the leadership o f Dr. Billy Graham in Portland, Oregon, reached an astounding total of nearly 700,000 people in attendance in a six- weeks’ campaign. On one occasion when the evangelist spoke to women only, the newspapers reported an au­ dience o f 30,000. All o f this teaching was centered around straight Bible preaching without high pressure methods. Serious students o f revivals seem to feel that Billy Graham is God’s man for this hour. Kansas City too has known the soul- thrilling warmth o f revival fires. An­ other young man, Mervin Rosell, preaching Christ to great audiences has seen more than 2,000 people come forward to declare their new faith in the Saviour. Kansas City, which has long been known for other things, has been stirred to its core by the present campaign. Still another young man, Jack Shuler, has been holding meetings in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and the story has been somewhat the same. First in a rather large church, then to a great tent seating 5,000, then overflow crowds with large num­ bers surging to the front. Nor are these evangelistic fires con­ fined to large campaigns. Over the land many other devoted servants of God in smaller cities are finding re- Page Four

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