July, 1944
14. In the Way “I being in the way, the Lord led me” (Gen. 24:27), . Some Christians find guidance diffi cult because they ere not “in the way.”. .. God is waiting for them to be faithful in present duties... Philip had been about his duty, obedient to God’s call to preach; hence it was nothing for the Spirit to lead him to join the chariot of the Ethiopian. David was faithfully attending the sheep as a shepherd when God called him to be come king. Are we who are longing for some definite guidance all obedi ently busy today? Are we found'“ in the way” ?—Pameii. [Because of curtailment of paper, the department, "Daily Devotional Read- • ingsy has been reduced temporarily. W e hope to be able to print the usual num ber soonf] BIOLA FAMILY [Continued from Page 237] Married Curt Claassen, ’42, and Olga Schultz, ’43, June 1, Dallas, Ore. Howard Collard, B. Th. ’44, and Eliza beth Scott, ’44, June 4,. Long, Beach, Calif. i Peter Gunther, ’42, and Phyllis Merkes, June 15, Wheaton, 111. Leonard Hanes, B. Th. ’44, and Helen Regier, ’43, June 12, Newton, Kansas. Albert Kliewer, B. Th. ’44, and Rob erta Mulkins, ’44, June 9, Whittier, Calif. Lawrence Layton and Wonda Mur ray, ’44, June 11, South Gate, Calif. James Smith, B. Th. ’44, and Helen Josephine Darling, June 10, Tucson, Ariz. Richard Webster and Lucille Fal coner, ’40, June 15, Berkeley, Calif. Born To Lubin i (B. Th. ’40) and Mrs. Jant- zen (Matilda Mueller, ’42), a son, Dan iel Eldon, May 10, Meno, Okla. To James and Mrs. Hardie, (Martha Low) a daughter, Jeanette Ethel, May 8, Modesto, Calif. To Kenneth and Mrs. Weathers (Na dine Douglass, B. Chr. Ed. ’39), a daughter, Anita Mae, June 1, Kansas City, JVIo. New Alumni Officers On June 5, the Monday of Com mencement week at Biola, alumni and other former students of the Bible In stitute of Los Angeles met in Lecture Room 1 for their annual spring fel lowship and program. Officers who were elected to guide the Alumni Asso ciation during the coming year were: Leonard Gaylord, ’22, President; Ralph Colburn, B. Th. ’40, Vice President; Helen J. White, ’20, Secretary; and Geraldine Hamlett, B. Chr. Ed. ’42, Treasurer.
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