filled in Christ’s death it is no wonder that it was attended with unique events, words and manifestations. The Place and Circumstances vv. 17-24 Think of the humiliation to which Christ subjected Himself as He bore His own cross to Golgotha. The place of the crucifixion was “the place of a skull” (v. 17). Some think it was so named because of its shape; others because it was a burial place. Be that as it may, the name well suits the event. Christ went there to die for a lost world. Note the position in which He was placed as He was crucified— between two thieves (v.18). Thus the prophetic word was perfectly fulfilled, “He was numbered with the transgressors” (Isa. 53:12). Then the title that was put over the cross is sig nificant. Pilate wrote more than he knew when over the dying Saviour he placed the superscription, “Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews” (v. 19). It was true and one day it will become radiantly evi dent that He is not only the King of the Jews but “King of kings, and Lord of lords” (Rev. 19:16). Providence arranged that, because of the universal appeal of the cross, the title over it should be writ ten in the three great languages of that time: Hebrew, the language of religion; Greek, the language of culture; and Latin, the language of government. After the Jews. sought to get Pilate to change the wording of the inscription, Pilate said, “What I have written I have written” (v. 2 2). Though Pilate probably did not realize all that he said, yet he bore testi mony to a great truth, namely; that the facts concerning the Son of God cannot be changed. And men had better order their lives in harmony with these facts. Note also the gambling at the cross (w . 23, 2 4). Again we have a remarkable fulfillment of the prophetic word (Psa. 22:1 8 ). It is also suggestive of the way men trifle with the things of God! Friends, Suffering, Victory at Calvary vv. 25-30 Note carefully just who were present among the followers of Christ at this time. Where were the rest? In the provision which Jesus makes for His mother we hear Christ giving utterance to one of seven sayings He spoke while occupying the pulpit of the cross. Can you name the other six? After this Jesus cried, “ I thirst,” the only audible evidence He gave of His awful suffering. They gave Him vinegar and He drank it as a symbol of the malice and hatred of men’s hearts to ward the things of God. The crucifixion experience was climaxed by the shout of Christ, “ It is .finished” , three words in English but just one in the Greek. The great work of redemption was completed. Christ had fulfilled the purpose for which He came into the world, (cp. Matt. 20:28.) Helps for the Children Memory Verse: "Jesus . . . having loved his own . . . loved them unto the end" (John 13:1). CONTINUED ► When Jesus Stood Alone John 18:1-19; 18:38-42
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