ILN Data Privacy Paper


3.1. Territorial and Extra-Territorial Application The PDPL applies within Argentina's territory and extends to data processing activities that have an extraterritorial impact when data controllers or processors outside Argentina process the personal data of Argentine residents. 4.1. Key Stakeholders Data Controller: Individual or legal entity, whether public or private, who is the owner of a file, record, database, or data bank. Data Processor : Entities or individuals that process data on behalf of the data controller. Data Subject: The individual to whom the personal data belongs and is being processed. 4.2 Role and Responsibilities of Key Stakeholders The PDPL assigns specific responsibilities to each stakeholder, emphasizing the data controller's duty to inform data subjects, obtain consent, and ensure data security. Data Controllers in Argentina must ensure compliance with the PDPPL, obtain explicit consent for data processing, and protect data subjects' rights. They are responsible for notifying data subjects about the purpose and scope of data processing. Moreover, they must register with the AAIP as data controllers as well as any database containing personal data, whether public or private. Legislative Framework

Data Processors are required to process data strictly in accordance with the instructions provided by the Data Controller. They must also implement robust data security measures to protect the data they handle. Data subjects in Argentina have various rights, including the right to access their data, rectify inaccuracies, and request data erasure when necessary. Requirements for Data Processing 5.1. Grounds for Collection and Processing Data processing must be based on lawful grounds, including consent, contractual necessity, legal obligations, vital interests, or legitimate interests pursued by the data controller. Data processing often requires the explicit and informed consent of the data subject. Consent notices should clearly outline the purpose of data processing, and data subjects have the right to withdraw their consent at any time. Consent is a fundamental requirement, and individuals have the right to withdraw it at any time. 5.2. Data Storage and Retention Timelines The PDPL requires data controllers to establish retention periods that align with the purpose of data processing. Data storage and retention timelines are defined in accordance with the purpose for which the data was

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