Reflet _2024_03_13



injustices to raise their voices and “only through our collective outcry that we can hope to dismantle the systemic barriers that perpetuate this abuse.” Only three days prior, on Feb. 19, Mayor Leroux posted a more than 12 minute video addressing his sentiments on the issue. The video got over 2,500 views and 60 comments. He states that in the last few years, he has noticed that messages he has received and comments on his posts have become very negative. Leroux said he sees a lot of misinformation being spread on social media platforms, people holding grudges, and people who are taking one line from a conversation and turning it into a “clip of the day style weapon” against the township or council. Leroux apologises for stepping back on his social media. He expressed hope that the harassment would subside if he wasn’t engaging with the harassment. “I felt that if I stopped engaging with those people on social media, I would somehow provide less fuel for the fire. But now I rea- lize: the fire will always be burning, and my absence will mean one less person throwing water on it.”


Casselman Mayor Geneviève Lajoie and Russell Mayor Pierre Leroux are spea- king out against the harassment they receive on a regular basis as municipal officials. On Feb. 22, Lajoie posted to her Facebook wall about her experience on the constant harassment she has been living with as a person in politics. She mentions how she has been subjected to “unspeakable com- ments and threats that have no place in a civilized society.” Lajoie received remarks that demean women and threats for exerci- sing her duties as mayor, which she believes underlines the systemic abuse rooted in society. “This is not just an attack on individuals; it’s an assault on the very principles of equa- lity and democracy,” Lajoie writes in her post. “Let us be loud, be bold, and unequivocally clear: harassment, in any form, against anyone, is unacceptable” Lajoie posted the comments the same day the mayor of Gatineau France Bélisle resigned to leave an environment she des- cribed as hostile. Lajoie urges all individuals who face

La Municipalité de Russell a entrepris la mise à jour de son plan directeur des transports. Il s'agit d'un document important qui guidera les orientations stratégiques du réseau de transport, car la municipalité doit assurer la mobilité pour la croissance future tout en garantissant une communauté durable, accessible et où il fait bon vivre. L'étude examinera les lacunes et formulera des recommandations pour le réseau de transport, y compris pour les piétons, les cyclistes et les véhicules. Les recommandations issues de l'étude guideront l'établissement des priorités en matière d'amélioration des infrastructures et soutiendront le développement des futurs programmes d'investissement. L'étude sera réalisée conformément à la procédure d'évaluation environnementale (EE) municipale de portée générale, qui est une procédure approuvée en vertu de la loi sur l'évaluation environnementale (Loi sur l'évaluation environnementale). La consultation publique est un élément clé de l'étude. Une fois que les dates et les lieux des réunions auront été fixés, des avis publics seront publiés dans les journaux locaux, sur le site Web de la Municipalité et distribués à toutes les personnes et à tous les organismes qui ont manifesté un intérêt pour le projet. Le site Web de la Municipalité de Russell ( sera mis à jour pour fournir des renseignements sur l'état d'avancement de l'étude. Pour figurer sur la liste de contact du projet, soumettre des commentaires ou obtenir de plus amples informations sur le projet, veuillez contacter un représentant de projet parmi les suivants : AVIS DE COMMENCEMENT DE L'ETUDE MUNICIPALITÉ DE RUSSELL - MISE A JOUR DU PLAN DIRECTEUR DES TRANSPORTS The study will be undertaken in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Process, which is an approved process under the Environmental Assessment Act. Public consultation is a key component of the study. Once the dates and locations for the meetings are set, public notices will be published in local newspapers, on the Township’s website, and distributed to all individuals and agencies who expressed an interest in the project. The Township of Russell website ( will be updated to provide information on the current status of the study. To be placed on the project contact list, submit comments, or get further information on the project, please contact either one of the following project representatives. The Township of Russell has initiated the update of the Transportation Master Plan. This will be an important document, guiding the strategic directions of the transportation network as the Township accommodates mobility for future growth while ensuring a sustainable, accessible, and highly liveable community. The study will examine deficiencies and develop recommendations for the transportation network, including pedestrian, cycling and vehicular modes. Recommendations arising from the study will guide the establishment of infrastructure improvement priorities and support the development of the future capital programs.

EAP NEWSROOM OPP SHOOT DANGEROUS AND AGRESSIVE DOG Police attempted to subdue the dog with the use of a conducted energy weapon, commonly referred to as a taser, but “out of concern for public and officer safety,” an officer ultimately used their firearm to put the dog down.

An Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officer tasered, shot and killed a “dan- gerous and aggressive dog” in Embrun after the dog’s owner was arrested. Around 11:30 a.m. Thursday, March 7, QPMJDFXFSFDBMMFEUP/PUSF%BNF4USFFUOFBS Lapointe Boulevard, where the owner of the dog was reportedly walking around with a large knife, according to the OPP. The man was arrested without incident, however, the dog was attacking other dogs and people, including a police officer.

« The OPP makes every effort to find an alternative, but if an animal must be dispatched the officer will act quickly and cause a minimum of pain and trauma to the affected animal,” read the OPP release. /P TFSJPVT JOKVSJFT XFSF SFQPSUFE CZ individuals in the area, according to police. The incident remains under investigation.

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Nous invitons les lecteurs à nous faire parvenir leurs lettres qui ne doivent pas dépasser 300 mots. Nous nous réservons le droit de les modifier ou de refuser de les publier. L’expéditeur doit inclure son nom, prénom, adresse et numéro de téléphone. Readers are invited to send us their letters that must not exceed 300 words. We reserve the right to modify them or to refuse to publish them. The writer must include their names, address and telephone number.

François Landry, Project Manager Infrastructure Services Township of Russell 717 Notre-Dame Street Embrun, ON K0A 1W1 Tel: 613-443-1747 E-mail:

Mr. Bassam Hamwi, P.Eng., M.Eng. Consultant Project Manager Morrison Hershfield Ltd. 2932 Baseline Road Ottawa, Ontario K2H 1B1 Tel: 613-739-2910

Financé par le gouvernement du Canada Funded by the Government of Canada

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