Complete PR. Tendonitis & Sports

Attention Pain Sufferers!

Patient Success Spotlight

“It’s so important to be able to go to a place that’s helpful and welcoming especially when you are struggling.”

Do You Know Someone Who Is Suffering From Pain? Print sudoku

• Decrease their pain • Increase their strength • Increase their activity level We can help:    

• Increase their flexibility • Improve their health • Get back to living






Share This Coupon With A Friend Or Family Member FREE PAIN RELIEF SCREENING CARE TO SHARE                Qr/HYHO+DUG





 “I can’t say enough good things about the care that I have received here. Dr. James and his staff know their stuff and more importantly the deliver care with kindness. It’s so important to be able to go to a place that’s helpful and welcoming especially when you are struggling.” – Louisa T.     

Expiration Date: 2/28/2020

ELIZABETH (908) 527-6001   

JERSEY CITY (201) 433-6001





Take Care of Your Aches and Pains Before It’s Too Late.     







Relieve Pain In Minutes Try this movement to reduce your pain.  Qr/HYHO+DUG

Mind Exercise: Sudoku  





      FORWARD BEND | LONG SITTING Sit with legs straight out and lower back tall. Bend forward keeping lower back tall to feel a stretch in the back of your thighs. This helps with lower back pain. Hold for 10 seconds, repeat 3 times. 
















The rules of the game are simple: each of the nine blocks has to contain all the numbers 1-9 within its squares. Each number can only appear once in a row, column or box. 3OD\RQ\RXUPRELOHWKHVHSX]]OHVDQGILQGWKHLUVROXWLRQVE\IODVKLQJWKHFRGHVEHORZ n° 323531 n°34560 n° 34361 n°34100

n° 328411


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