You are able to access your information that we have collected and amend it when it is inaccurate. If you wish to access your information, please notify your Property Manager Making a complaint You may make a complaint about aspects of Urban Choices Property’s operations you are not satisfied with, such as:
The handing in of ALL keys signifies the legal termination of your tenancy. Please remember that you are liable for additional rental if:
• You inadvertently keep the keys
• You lock the keys inside your property.
Urban Choices Property will make every effort possible to recover rental costs from tenants who leave without:
• Paying their rent to the required date
• Service you have received
• Giving the required notice
• Behaviour of staff
• Returning the correct amount of keys.
• Advice we have provided.
Should you find it necessary to break the lease, the following conditions apply: • You are responsible for and must pay rent until the property is relet to a suitable tenant or until the termination date of the lease, whichever occurs first. • You are responsible for all reletting costs and any advertising expenses incurred. Please refer to your Residential Tenancy Agreement. Bond Bond Claim Forms will be processed only after all keys have been returned to our office and an inspection has been carried out. If there are any queries as to the condition of the property, you will be contacted within 14 days of vacating. Once any queries have been attended to arrangements will be made to facilitate your bond refund via the centralised Bond Authority and any unresolved bond dispute will be referred to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal in accordance with the Act. Tenant must not use bond as rent Section 428 of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 provides as follows: “a tenant must not refuse to pay rent on the ground that the tenant intends to regard as rent paid by the tenant the bond or any part of the bond paid in respect of the rented premises.” Your information Urban Choices Property is required to comply with the Information Privacy Principles (IPP) set out in the Privacy Act (Victoria) 2000, the Health Records Act 2001 and National Privacy Principles of the Federal Privacy Act 1988. We collect certain types of information such as full name, date of birth, personal income details and where you are currently living to:
To make a complaint you can call, email or write to your Property Manager or the Complaints Coordinator who will record your complaint and inform you of the next steps in the process. In summary We welcome you as tenant of Urban Choices Property. We assure you that your tenancy is important to us and our team is happy to address any concerns or questions you may have.
Contact us Urban Choices Property
Level 4, 333 Queen Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Ph: 1300 UCHOICES (1300 824 642)
Website –
Email –
• Assess eligibility to our services
• Assess rent payable; and
• Assess special accommodation needs.
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