GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
Chesterville October 13, against the North Dundas Rockets. Les Aigles The St-Isidore Eagles split their Thanksgi- ving weekend games with a 7-4 win against the Lions in Morrisburg, Saturday night and a 6-1 loss at home Sunday night to the Clarence Creek Castors. Jacob Brunette scored a hat trick against Morrisburg with single points for St-Isidore from Zackary Bougie, Miguel Crispin, Tyler Druce, and Ryan Wells. Assists came from Brunette, Druce, Howson, Wells, Frédérik Laflèche, Patrick Ranger, and Philippe Bur- den. Lucas De Vries and Braden Penberthy shared netminding duty. Morrisburg goals came from Brandon Cameron, Marc-Antoine Doyon, and Zacharie Leblanc. Assisting were Andrew Biancardi, Hayden Hoemer, and Bailey Norman, with Morgan Penwell goalie. The sole goal for St-Isidore Sunday night came from Kevin Howson with help from Jacob Brunette. Lucas De Vries was in the St-Isidore net. Nathan Melée scored two goals for Clarence Creek with solo goals into the St-Isidore net from Aiden Cannell, Roman Cannell, Sameul Gaudet, and Patrick Lemay. Assisting on the Castors’ scoring were Gaudet, Lemay, Roman Cannell, Tyler Baker, Austin Laprade, Raphaël Payant, and Caleb Smith. Corey Camirand guarded the Clarence Creek net. St-Isidore hosts Metcalfe October 14.
Thanksgiving weekend was a treat for the Vankleek Hill Cougars as they beat the Gatineau-Hull Volant 5-2, Friday night in Gatineau, and then crowned the Bytown Royals 10-4 at home, Saturday night. Scoring for the Cougars against the Volant were Ryan Allen with two goals and Nikolas Ayotte, Nicolas Castonguay, and Trystan Lavoie with singles. Goal assists came from Allen, Castonguay, Justin Labrosse, and Jonathan Leblanc. Sébastien Moreau guarded the Cougars net. Goals for Gatineau came from Lou-Félix Dallaire and Antoine Laflèche. Assisting were Jérémie Cardinal, Simon Juneau-Richer, and Mattias Roy. Marc-Olivier Bastien and Jérémy Martin shared goalkeeping duties for the Volant. Cougars’ goals gainst the Royals in- cluded two from Allen and singles from Ayotte, Labrosse, Keean McEachern, Vin- cent Huneault, Nicholas Castonguay, Tyler Dopelhamer, and Shayne Allen. Assists came from Ayotte, Labrosse, Jonathan Leblanc, Ryan Allen, Kyle Giroux, and Charles-Olivier Portelance. Frederick Durocher guarded the Vankleek Hill net. Luigi Peloso scored two goals for Bytown with Royals’ Nick Dempster and Samuel Pa- quette tallying the other two points. Assists
Les Cougars de Vankleek Hill ont eu deux parties gagnantes à leur actif lors du weekend de Thanksgiving. —archives
came from Paquette, Peloso, Alexandre Cloutier, Nathan Gonyon, Martin Laframboise, Joshua Renaud, and Jacob Victor. Tye Agardy
and Danik Gervais shared goalkeeping duty. The Cougars are on the road to Met- calfe against the Jets October 12, and in
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PAROISSE SAINT-EUGÈNE 1108, rue Labrosse, Saint-Eugène ON
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Sylvie Rozon - Owner Gerry Leroux - Propriétaire tel/fax: 613-674-2134
Centre Communautaire
2005, rue Principale, C.P. 3, Chute-à-Blondeau • 613-632-9540 centrecommunautairecab@gmail.com Location de salle pour toutes occasions Cuisine disponible Possibilité de 225 personnes
335, rueWellesley Hawkesbury, ON K6A
Cell. : 613-676-2836 Rés. : 613-636-0373
Guy Ranger Propriétaire
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