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Le Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario vous souhaite une BONNE RENTRÉE SCOLAIRE 2019-2020!


Glengarry-Prescott-Russell’s Liberal MP is catching flak from his main opponent in this year’s federal election over his action and position in the SNC-Lavalin scandal, which has the prime minister accused of a breach of ethics. “Only five short months ago, our Liberal MP Francis Drouin shut down the Parliamen- tary Justice Committee to prevent the former "UUPSOFZ(FOFSBM  +PEZ8JMTPO3BZCPVME  GSPNUFTUJGZJOHPOUIF4/$-BWBMJOTDBO - dal,” stated Pierre Lemieux, Conservative candidate for the riding, in a letter sent to media in mid-August. “MP Drouin said, ‘I think I have heard enough’, that there was no coverup and that it was time to move on. 8FMM $BOBEBT'FEFSBM&UIJDT$PNNJTTJPOFS strongly disagrees.” 5IFGPDVTPG&UIJDT$PNNJTTJPOFS.B - rio Dion’s report was whether or not Prime Minister Justin Trudeau interfered with the decisions of other federal officials, including +PEZ8JMTPO3BZCPVME GPSNFSKVTUJDFNJOJTUFS BOEBUUPSOFZHFOFSBM EVSJOHUIF4/$-BWBMJO investigation. Lemieux noted that Dion stated in his report on the matter that «the authority of the Prime Minister and his office was used” to circumvent, undermine and attempt to discredit the decisions of federal officials investigating the Québec-based company. “MP Francis Drouin has defended Jus- tin Trudeau every step of the way,” stated -FNJFVYi8JUIUIFSFMFBTFPGUIF&UIJDT Commissioner’s dramatic report, will MP Francis Drouin admit that it was wrong for him to shut down the Justice Committee? The people of our riding also deserve to know if MP Francis Drouin agrees with the &UIJDT$PNNJTTJPOFSUIBU+VTUJO5SVEFBVT actions were improper and broke the law, or Le candidat néo-démocrate de Glengarry- Prescott-Russell, Konstantine Malakos, pense que le résultat du scandale SNC- Lavalin aurait été le même, que les libé- raux ou les conservateurs aient été au pouvoir à l’époque. M. Malakos a indiqué dans un courriel RVFMF/1%GÊEÊSBMBWBJUFYJHÊVOFFORVËUF EÊUIJRVFTVSMBRVFTUJPOEF4/$-BWBMJO  dès le début, alors que le scandale venait UPVUKVTUFEËUSFSFDPOOVQVCMJRVFNFOU*M s’inquiète maintenant des conclusions du rapport du commissaire fédéral à l’éthique, Mario Dion, sur la participation du premier ministre Justin Trudeau dans cette affaire. jø/PVTBDDFQUPOTMFTDPODMVTJPOTEFDF rapport non partisan, a déclaré M. Malakos. C’est la deuxième fois que M. Trudeau est reconnu coupable d’avoir enfreint la Loi sur MFTDPOáJUTEJOUÊSËUT FUOPVTUSPVWPOTUSÍT troublant qu’il ne s’excuse pas. Il prétend que s’il pense avoir une bonne raison, un QSFNJFSNJOJTUSFEFWSBJUËUSFBVEFTTVTEF GREGG CHAMBERLAIN

if he agrees with Justin Trudeau that he did nothing wrong.” In an email response to Lemieux’s al- legations, Drouin defended his position and referred to an analysis of the Dion report by &SSPM.FOEFT BQSPGFTTPSPGDPOTUJUVUJPOBM and international law and current president of the International Commission of Jurists, Canada. The analysis questions whether %JPOFYDFFEFEIJTPXOKVSJTEJDUJPOBTFUIJDT commissioner and if he also misinterpreted Section 9 of the federal Conflict of Interest Act on what constituted a breach of trust. “I would not have supported the Prime Minister if he had profited from this person- ally or tried to help his family or friends,” stated Drouin. “He didn’t. The rule of law is intact in this country and this, the former Attorney General, provided testimony to the committee in March about this.” Le député libéral Francis Drouin a été attaqué par le candidat conservateur Pierre Lemieux au sujet du scandale SNC-Lavalin. —archives


la loi. Je trouve également très troublant que M. Scheer ait refusé de dire catégori- quement qu’il n’aurait pas fait exactement la NËNFDIPTFTJMBWBJUÊUÊQSFNJFSNJOJTUSF à l’époque. » come out looking good in the SNC- Lavalin ethics investigation. Malakos questions whether Conservative leader Andrew Scheer’s actions would have been any different from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s if his party had been in power during the whole affair. —archives Konstantine Malakos, NDP candidate for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, says neither the Liberals nor the Conservatives have


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