Hillside House, 1- Hillside, Cotham PROFESSIONAL PLANNING APPRAISAL
3.1 Planning legislation 1 requires local planning authorities to “have special regard to
the desirability of preserving the [listed] building or its setting or any features of
special architectural or historic interest which it possesses.” There is also a statutory
duty 2 for development to preserve or enhance the character or appearance of a
conservation area. National policy 3 requires that “great weight” is placed on the
need to conserve heritage assets, including listed buildings and conservation areas,
and any harm or loss requires “clear and convincing justification.” 4
3.2 The listed status of the villas will constrain (but not prevent) the conversion potential
into flats. The Council will resist further loss of the historic floor plan arrangement and
historic fabric/features unless this can be offset by conservation gain in other areas
of the building(s).
3.3 In addition to planning permission, listed building consent will be required for the
conversion (whether to create flats or to create two houses). Any physical works
needed to facilitate the conversion (both internal and external) will require listed
building consent. Planning consent will be required for a material change of use,
and external alterations.
3.4 Any existing boundary walls (and the piers at the vehicular entrance) will be
deemed curtilage listed and would need to be retained. Any alterations will require
listed building consent. Any partial demolition may require Conservation Area
consent unless these works are included as part of a planning application for works
to the building.
1 Sections 16 and 66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 2 Section 72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 3 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), updated February 2019, and the associated guidance, the National Planning Policy Guidance 4 NPPF, Paragraphs 193 and 194
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