4C — August 16 - 29, 2013 — Pennsylvania — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
P ennsylvania
RSR Real Estate’s Lick & Bicksler rep seller & landlord PosavecofLandmarkComm’l. negotiates 15,881 s/f lease
ARRISBuRG, PA — NGS, Inc. has leased an additional 15,881
While this has become increas- ingly common, it nonetheless remains the responsibility of the EP to inform their client of the new records review proce- dures and build any time delays into the project schedule. The User’s Responsibilities The 2005 Standard Practice introduced the concept of User Responsibilities, noting that the User of the ESA, in his or her position as a prospective purchaser, occupant, owner or lender or other site repre- sentative, may have unique information or perspective on property information that the EP does not have, and which may be relevant to the ESA report. This was termed specialized knowledge in the 2005 Standard, which added the User Questionnaire to the data collection process in order to identify and record any such relevant information. The new 2013 Standard will include a greatly expanded section pertaining to the re- sponsibilities of the User in the ESA process. While the User Questionnaire remains a part of Standard with only minor wording changes for 2013, the User now shares responsibility with the EP in identifying the presence of environmental liens continued from page 2C Richard Reilly has purchased a 7,500 s/f commercial property located at 17-19 W. Main St., Mechanicsburg. Roy Brenner of Landmark Commercial Re- alty represented the buyer and Andrew Lick of RSR Real Estate represented the seller. Stan and Jackie Wolf have leased 1,200 s/f of commercial space for their tattoo shop lo- cated in the Lower Allen Shop- s/f within 2400 Thea Dr., Har- risburg. Thomas Posavec, SIOR of Landmark Com- mercial Realty negotiated the lease on behalf of the land- lord.
400 Thea Dr., Harrisburg
or activity and use limitations (AULs) affecting the subject property, since the User (in their position as the property owner, prospective purchaser or lender) may identify these through their own due diligence activities outside of the ESA process. New language in the 2013 Standard emphasizes the significant role and responsibil- ity borne by the User in provid- ing the information discussed in the user Questionnaire, and in general brings the User responsibilities in the ESA process more closely in line with the EPA’s All Appropriate Inquiry requirements. Conclusion: Implementation of ASTM E1527-13 In general, the upcoming 2013 in not seen as a radical departure from prior standards governing the practice of envi- ronmental site assessments, but further refines and clarifies many of the elements of the ESA process to more closely align it with the regulatory framework underlying its CERCLAorigins. For most private users of ESAs such as lenders or developers, the ESA process will continue to represent a valuable due diligence tool for evaluating the environmental condition of properties. Much debate has centered on the increased level leadership also balances the individual’s impulse to take ownership of an idea or solu- tion with the satisfaction of contributing importantly to the team effort. Perhaps most important of all, exercising these skills is ping Center, 2200 Gettysburg Rd., Camp Hill. AndrewKohr of Landmark Commercial Realty, represented the land- lord, Lower Allen Shopping Center and Chris Jordahl of D’Angelo Realty represented the tenant.
of effort mandated by the new Standard and its resultant ef- fects on pricing, however as in years past, market conditions will ultimately govern the pricing of ESA as a valuable planning tool. The new Standard has been finalized by ASTM and is now awaiting EPA approval of the changes that pertain to its implementation of the fed- eral AAI Rule. It is anticipated that this process will take 1-2 months, but is not likely to result in any additional revi- sions to the Standard. ASTM’s current timeline for issuing E1527-13 is late summer to early fall 2013. Liberty is ready to implement the 2013 Standard to its ESA products and services imme- diately upon its release later this year. Should you have any questions regarding the upcom- ing 2013 Standard Practice for ESAs, or wish to discuss the application of the new Standard to your own planning needs with any of our environmental due diligence experts, please do not hesitate to call us at our Reading headquarters office or at our regional offices in Phila- delphia or Lancaster. David S. Coyne, QEP, prin- cipal at Liberty Environ- mental. n FultonFriedmanandGullace LLP has leased 839 s/f of office space at 6 Kasey Court, Me- chanicsburg. Brenner repre- sented the tenant and Derek Bicksler of RSR Real Estate represented the landlord, Da- vid Young. n everyone’s responsibility. There are no by-standers in collabora- tion: it’s a team effort. Shannon Kaplan is a senior engineer in the Philadelphia office of In- Posse, a subsidiary of AKF Group. n
Phase I Enviro. Site Assessment Standard Practice . . .
Building a greener city begins with a strong foundation.
Commercial space accounts for more than half of the total
building energy consumption in Philadelphia. Last year,
City Council passed legislation requiring all large non-residential
commercial buildings to annually benchmark and report energy
and water use. Benchmarking building energy consumption
will give us a solid foundation to build upon as we continue to
transform Philadelphia into America’s greenest city.
The deadline to comply with the City of Philadelphia Building
Energy Benchmarking Ordinance is
October 31, 2013 .
To learn more about the ordinance and how to comply,
www.phila.gov/benchmarking .
continued from page 3C Five key skills for successful collaboration: A team effort
valuable to the project. Bal- ancing power means, simply, using that leadership to em- power team members, share credit and reward, and create an atmosphere of mutual re- spect and support. Successful
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