Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Pennsylvania — August 16 - 29, 2013 — 15C
Pa P RoJeCt n eWs
For Allentown School District Alvin H. Butz completes two LEED Gold certified facilities A LLENTOWN, PA — Alvin H. Butz, Inc. completed two Leader-
ship in Energy and Environ- mental Design (LEED) Gold certified buildings for the Allentown School District, Allentown, PA. “We were thrilled to learn that both the William Al- len High School Clifford S. Bartholomew building and Ramos Elementary School were awarded LEED Gold certification,” says Robert Sperling, Director of Facilities Services at Allentown School District. “These projects are great examples to the stu- dents and the community of the District’s commitment to sustainability.” The William Allen High School CliffordS. Bartholomew building is a state-of-the-art, three-story facility hosting the ninth grade students. The facility features more than 84,000 SF of classroom and administration space, a two- story cafeteria and a media center. Ramos Elementary School located adjacent to Jackson Elementary School, is a new 85,000 SF school which houses 750 students. It is organized into three distinct masses, with each mass composed of multiple “learning communi- ties” for each grade level. It is the third facility in the Allentown School District to achieve LEED Gold certifica- tion. USA Architects, Planners + Interior Designers were the architects for the William Allen High School Clifford S. Bartholomew project while Roberson Butz Architects designed the new Ramos El- ementary School. Working closely with the school dis-
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• Recycled/regional materi- als • Abundant day lighting “Achieving LEED certifica- tion on both projects is a tre- mendous accomplishment and a testament to the dedication, collaboration and expertise of the entire project team,” says Greg Butz, President and CEO of Alvin H. Butz, Inc. “With our expanding portfolio of LEED project experience, we are distinctively able to aid owners in their quest for LEED Certification.” Including Allentown School Di str i ct ’s Wi l l iam Al l en High School Clifford S. Bar- tholomewBuilding and Ramos Elementary School, there are 16 LEED-Certified projects in the Butz portfolio. n Mid Atlantic Real stat Journal Contact: Elaine Fanning 800-584-1062/781-871-5298 Ext. 212 EFanning@mareJournal.com Developments Construction Renovations
trict and the architects, Butz dedicated themselves toward incorporating aspects of the United States Green Build- ing Council’s (USGBC) LEED framework into both build- ings, paying particular atten- tion to issues of energy and water conservation, resource and waste management and indoor air quality. Green features of the Wil- liam Allen High School Clif- ford S. Bartholomew Building and Ramos Elementary School include: • Vegetated roof covering 100% of the roof area (exclud- ing mechanical). • Water-efficient plumbing fixtures • Energy-efficient mechani- cal and lighting systems
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal Contact: Elaine Fanning 800-584-1062/781-871-5298 Ext. 212 EFanning@mareJournal.com
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