nost pretvara u maglu kako bi se ona na listovima zadržala u što većim količinama. Tako se i štedi jer je rasipanje smanjeno na minimum. Koristeći isključivo elektropogon, robot može da pređe 20 kilometara ravnog terena pri maksimalnoj brzini od 15 kilometara na sat. Njime može da se uprav- lja na daljinu od 300 metara, što je sasvim dovolj- no kako čovek ne bi bio izložen otrovnim prepa- ratima. Planirate li da usavršite robota? – Već jesam. Prva verzija robota poseduje is- ključivo elektropogon, dok nova ima kombinova- ni pogon, odnosno njegov pogon su i dalje elektro- motori, ali električna energija koju crpi iz baterija i benzinskog agregata. Takođe, prvi model je na- menjen više za vinograde i plastenike, a nov i za dezinfekciju magacina i sličnih prostora. Ta vrsta poslova je inače izuzetno opasna po čove- ka jer se on nalazi u središtu otrova. Da li znate koliko ste do sada stvari izumeli?
spraying robot. Using a micro sprinkler, the liq- uid is converted into a mist in order to remain on the leaves in the largest possible quantity. This al- so leads to savings, because dissipation is reduced to a minimum. Using only an electric motor, the robot can pass over 20 kilometres of flat terrain at a max- imum speed of 15 kilometres per hour. It can be op- erated remotely at a distance of 300 metres, which is more than enough to ensure the operator is not ex- posed to toxic substances. Do you plan to refine your robot? - I already have. The first version of the robot possesses only an electric motor, while the new model has a combination motor. Energy is drawn from both a battery and a petrol engine. Also, the first model is designed more for vineyards and greenhouses, while the new one is also for disinfect-
ing warehouses and similar spaces. These types of jobs are usually extremely danger- ous for people due to the exposure to poi- sonous substances. Do you know how many things you have invented in total? - My workshop is never closed, because the process of researching and creating is what fulfils me. When you are thirsty, you drink water. In the same way, when I have a problem I solve it, not because I am bored, but because I’m thirsty. And all problems have a solution. All people are faced with them, it’s just that some find the solutions and others buy them.. Due to your passion for science, your child- hood was different from those of other chil- dren. Did you have any role models? - Idols change as one grows up. Early my role models included Steven Jobs, Nikola Te- sla, Leonardo da Vinci and the like. And then I realised that I had different goals. I did not want to change the world, in fact I barely un- derstand the world. That’s when I turned to- wards philosophers. .
Do sada sam patentirao električni uređaj za duborez, mašinu za pranje voća i povrća, robota za prskanje voćnjaka... I have patented so far an electric device for woodcarving, a machine for washing fruits and vegetables, a robot for spraying orchard etc.
– Moja radionica nikada nije zatvorena jer je proces istraživanja i kreiranja moja osnovna potreba. Kad ste žedni, popijete vodu. Tako i ja. Kad imam problem, ja ga rešim, ne zato što mi je dosadno već zato što sam žedan, moram da ga rešim. A re- šenja dolaze sa problemima. Svi ljudi se suočavaju sa njima, samo neko kupi reše- nje, a neko ga stvori. Zbog strasti prema nauci, vaše de- tinjstvo bilo je drugačije od de- tinjstva ostale dece. Da li ste ima- li uzore? – Idoli se kroz odrastanje menjaju. Ra- nije su moji uzori bili Stiven Džobs, Niko- la Tesla, Leonardo da Vinči i njima slični. A onda sam shvatio da oni i ja nema- mo isti cilj. Ja ne želim da menjam svet, u stvari jedva i da razumem svet. Zbog toga sam se u jednom trenutku okrenuo filozofima. A koji je vaš cilj?
And what is your goal? - I realised that while I need to respect others, such as Tesla and other scientists, I should not place them ahead of myself, because then I would never be better than them. I want to be the best version of my- self, and to do this I need to believe in myself. Will you stay in Serbia? - It is easy to leave. I don’t blame those who leave, who think they will succeed somewhere else, but I stay because I know that I can change things in this society. I have changed a lot of things already and. I read somewhere that I have become an inspiration to many young people. To succeed you must be self-crit- ical, broadly educated, disciplined and highly special- ised in one area.
– Shvatio sam da treba da poštujem druge kao što su Tesla i ostali naučnici, ali i da ne treba da ih stavljam ispred sebe jer tada nikad neću biti bolji od njih. Želim da budem najbolja verzija sebe, da verujem u sebe. Da li ćete ostati u Srbiji? – Lako je otići. Ne osuđujem one koji odlaze, koji misle da će uspeti negde drugde, ali ja osta- jem jer znam da mogu da promenim stvari u ovom društvu. Dosta toga sam promenio. Pročitao sam negde da sam postao inspiracija mnogim mladim ljudima. Morate da budete samokritični, široko obrazovani, disciplinovani i usko specijalizovani za jednu oblast.
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