Elevate November 2016 | Air Serbia


rzovoljni, ali šarmantni in- spektori koji rešavaju tuđe probleme, a ne umeju da reše svoje. Rastureni bra- kovi i problematični tinej-

Grumpy but charming in- spectors who solve other people’s problems, but do not know how to solve their own. Broken marriag- es and troubled teens. Dark sub- urbs and bloody secrets from the past. Inept immigrants from the Balkans and corrupt policemen... These are all inhabitants and loca- tions of Europe’s favourite litera- ture of the last decade. The popular crime novels of Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland have literally bewitched readers around the world. Slight- ly saturated by the plastic “James Bond-esque” characters offered by literature of the same genre from Poklonike krimića zadivljuje realna, pomalo mračna, ali društveno svesna atmosfera koju osećaju u skandinavskoj literaturi Fans of crime novels are impressed by the realistic, slightly dark, but socially conscious atmosphere that they feel in Scandinavian literature the U.S. and the UK, fans of crime novels are impressed by the more realistic, slightly dark, but more so- cially conscious atmosphere that they feel in this literature. Even those who have despised crime novels for years have been won over. Up there in the north, crime novels began being well written long ago, but the world’s current fascination was definitely ignited by the prematurely departed Stieg Larsson, with his Millennium tril- ogy. Although some experts claim that this is not top literature... - That trilogy is a good exam- ple of how popular literature can awaken those who do not recog-

nise systemic violence or are deaf to some social values, but I’m not sure this is good literature. Lisbeth Salander is some kind of Modes- ty Blaise in a transgender techno environment and somehow she is too papery – says Dean Duda, Pro- fessor of Comparative Literature at Zagreb University. MILLENNIUM MIRACLE Writer Muharem Bazdulj, a great lover of Scandinavian crime novels, considers that the phe- nomenon of Stieg Larsson and the Millennium trilogy is unprec- edented in the world’s contempo- rary publishing industry. And he claims, in contrast to Professor Du- da, that the secret of its success lies precisely in the living charac- ter of the heroine. Lisbeth Saland- er is, according to him, undoubt- edly the key figure of the entire trilogy. “Apparently conceived as a hybrid comic superheroine and an androgynous version of Nasta- sya Fillipovna from The Idiot, Lis- beth seems to the reader, despite everything, like a real character. With hacking skills that lean more towards witchcraft talents than those of a techno-freak, even a top one, with an almost perfect pho- tographic memory, Lisbeth is si- multaneously radically distrustful and infinitely vulnerable,” says Ba- zdulj in one of his analyses of Mil- lennium. So, although the opinions of lovers of Larsson’s heroes, and par- ticularly heroines, differ to an ex- tent, there is no doubt that it was precisely Larsson who opened the door to the world for Scandinavian crime novels. Of course, it is worth considering his tragic and untime- ly death, myths of sequels written, with him having promised to write ten, Hollywood’s ability to mesmer- ise... However, what keeps Larsson in the first line of literature is his unmasking of the picture of a per- fect Scandinavian society. - The idea of the Swedish way of life, in Europe’s perception, was derived from important determi- nants of the welfare state there, full employment, tens of thousands

džeri. Mračna predgrađa i krvave tajne iz prošlosti. Neuklopljeni do- seljenici sa Balkana i korumpira- ni policajci... Sve su to stanovnici i prostori omiljene evropske litera- ture poslednje decenije. Popularni krimići Švedske, Norveške, Danske i Islanda doslov- no su omađijali čitaoce širom sve- ta. Pomalo zasićeni plastičnim džejmsbondovskim likovima kakve nudi književnost sa istim predzna- kom iz Amerike i Velike Britani- je, poklonike žanra zadivila je real- nija, pomalo mračna, ali društveno svesnija atmosfera koju su osetili u ovoj literaturi. Pobeđeni su čak i oni koji su godinama uporno prezi- rali krimiće. Krimići su tamo na severu odavno počeli dobro da se pišu, ali ovu svetsku opčinjenost definitiv- no je zapalio prerano umrli Stig Lašon trilogijom Milenijum , iako neki stručnjaci tvrde da to nije vr- hunska literatura… – Ta je trilogija upravo dobar primer kako popularna književnost može osvestiti one koji ne prepo- znaju sistemsko nasilje ili su gluvi za neke društvene vrednosti, ali ni- sam siguran da je reč o dobroj lite- raturi. Lizbet Salander je neka vrsta Modesti Blejz u transrodnom tehno okruženju i nekako je suviše papir- nata – kaže Dean Duda, profesor na katedri za komparativnu književ- nost zagrebačkog univerziteta. ČUDO ZVANO MILENIJUM Veliki ljubitelj skandinavskih krimića, književnik Muharem Baz- dulj, smatra da je fenomen Stiga Lašona i trilogije Milenijum u sa- vremenoj svetskoj izdavačkoj indu- striji bez presedana i tvrdi, nasuprot profesoru Dudi, da se tajna njenog uspeha krije upravo u životnom ka- rakteru glavne junakinje. Lizbet Sa- lander je, po njemu, bez sumnje ključni lik cele trilogije. “Očito za- mišljena kao hibrid stripovske su- perheroine i androgine verzije Na- stasje Filipovne iz Idiota , Lizbet se

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