The Law Office of Marc L. Shapiro, P.A. - March 2023

THE SWEET SCENTS OF SPRING 3 Potpourri Mixtures You Need to Try

Many have heard about using a stovetop potpourri to simmer oranges, apples, and cinnamon to make your home smell like Christmas. But you can also fill your home with fresh scents that remind you of spring. The best part is that you probably have most of the ingredients you need at home or in your garden! But first, what is potpourri? Potpourri combines fruits, spices, herbs, and other edible ingredients to make rich scents that spread throughout your home. It’s one of the most natural and cheapest ways to freshen the air you breathe. Here are three stovetop potpourris to make your home smell like springtime. Lemon, Rosemary, and Vanilla Making this sweet-smelling scent is easy! Just add 2 sliced lemons, a handful of fresh rosemary, and 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract to a large pot filled with water. Bring the mixture to a simmer and enjoy the fresh and clean scent! Lime, Mint, Ginger, and Thyme Add 3 sliced limes, a handful of fresh mint and thyme, and finely sliced ginger to a pot for this mixture. When the ingredients come to a simmer, you’ll immediately smell a citrus-mint aroma that will spread throughout your home.

Lemon, Cinnamon, Mint, and Thyme This mixture is perfect if you want to add a hint of spice and warmth to your fresh spring scent. Combine 2 sliced lemons, a handful of fresh mint and thyme, and 2 cinnamon sticks in a pot before bringing the water to a simmer. One of the best things about potpourri is that the mixture will last a couple of days. Once you turn off your stove and drain the water, you can keep the ingredients in the pot and reuse them. All you have to do is add more water and bring it to a simmer again. Alternatively, you can prep your ingredients in advance, store them in an airtight container like a mason jar, and refrigerate them until you’re ready to use them.

So, fill your home with sweet fragrances to usher in a joyous spring!

EVEN IF YOU DIDN’T HIT YOUR HEAD You Could Still Experience a Brain Injury

What damages can you recover? Not only can you seek compensation for your medical bills and pain, but your settlement can also recover expenses for lost wages, property damage, emotional distress, future medical bills, and loss of enjoyment in life. Depending on your case, not only can you receive compensation for economic and non-economic damages, but you may also be able to recover punitive damages. While no amount of money can eliminate the challenges you experience due to an injury, it can help with the struggles you may face. Therefore, it’s crucial that you begin to take steps to start filing your brain injury claim so you can recover the compensation you deserve. At the Law Offices of Marc L. Shapiro, we are always attending brain injury workshops to provide you with the best possible service. Please don’t hesitate to call us — we’re here to help you in any way we can.

the U.S. sustain brain injuries. Over 60,000 people die because of it annually. In Florida, thousands of people are living with brain injuries today. Unfortunately, brain injuries cost thousands of dollars for treatment, screenings, and other complications. Fortunately, you may have the legal right to recover compensation in a brain injury claim. When can you file a brain injury claim? You can recover compensation against another party’s negligence by filing a claim if you’ve experienced a motor vehicle, slip and fall, motorcycle, pedestrian, or bicycle accident and received head trauma. Unfortunately, many people don’t file these claims because they don’t think they suffered any head trauma due to the accident. But a seasoned attorney will look at all your options and suggest different tests and screenings that can help your case.

Have you ever wondered why EMS and health care professionals check your head for any trauma or damage after an accident? They do it because you may have injured your brain even if you don’t hit your head during the collision. For example, if you were in a car accident driving at 45 mph, coming to a dead stop due to impact can push your brain against your skull. Brain injuries are the leading cause of death and permanent disability in the U.S. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1.5 million people in

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