O d te 1946. svet je postao humaniji – osnovan je Dečji fond Ujedinjenih nacija (UNICEF), samo sa jednim ciljem – da pomogne deci čiji su životi bili razoreni Drugim svetskim ratom. UNICEF ima dugu tradiciju i u Srbiji – od 1947. kada su prve pošiljke humanitarne pomoći bile upućene u bivšu Jugoslaviju. Uloga i mandat UNICEF-a menjali su se vreme- nom. Danas je rad UNICEF-a u Srbiji usmeren na po- dršku naporima Vlade Republike Srbije da se stvo- ri bolje i bezbednije okruženje za svako dete. Posebno se fokusiramo na najugroženije, isključene i osetlji- ve grupe dece. Ova misija nikada nije bila važnije, niti hitnija. UNICEF predstavlja simbol pomoći i nade za svu decu. Gde god da su. Ko god da su. Kada god smo im potrebni. Sada, više nego ikada. 70 GODINA ZA SVAKO DETE
Since 1946 the world has become more humane - found- ed the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), with only one goal - to help children whose lives have been destroyed by the Second World War. UNICEF have a long tradition in Serbia, dating back to 1947 when the first humanitarian aid packages were sent to the former Yugoslavia. The role and mandate of UNICEF has changed over time. Today, UNICEF in Serbia is focusing on supporting the government’s efforts to create a better and safer envi- ronment for every child. We are particularly focusing on the most disadvantaged, excluded, and vulnerable children. This has never been more relevant, nor more urgent. UNICEF stands as a symbol of help and hope for all children. Wherever they are. Whoever they are. Whenever they need us. And now, more than ever.
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