Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up
PRVI OFICIR AVIONA ERBAS 330 Dejan Vasić Airbus 330 First Officer
Zbog čega letovi iz Srbije do Amerike traju duže od onih u obrnutom smeru?
Why do flights from Serbia to America take longer than flights in the opposite direction?
P očetkom godine završio sam obuku za avion er- bas 330 i od tada radim kao pilot dugolinijskog saobraćaja. Često čujem kako ljudi postavljaju ovo pitanje. Na ruti prema Severnoj Americi i nazad, na visi- nama na kojima letimo (10.000–12.000 m), postoje mlazne struje, jaki vetrovi. Oni dostižu brzinu i preko 300 km/h i obično na tom području duvaju od zapada prema istoku. Tako, kad letimo od Beograda ka Njujor- ku, takvi vetrovi nam smanjuju putnu brzinu aviona i time produžavaju trajanje leta. Na povratnom letu, od Njujorka do Beograda, oni povećavaju putnu brzinu i skraćuju trajanje leta. Međutim, postoje i periodi kada vetrovi nisu izraženi ili nemaju značajan uticaj na tra- janje leta, pa i u jednom i drugom smeru približno isto traju. Naravno, postoje i drugi parametri koji utiču na trajanje leta, kao što su izbor rute, visine ili brzine leta, odnosno neki drugi operativni izazovi.
A t the beginning of this year I completed train- ing for the Airbus 330 aircraft and since then I have been working as a pilot on long haul routes. I of- ten hear people ask this question. On the route to North America and back, at the altitudes at which we fly (10,000-12,000m), there are jet streams, or strong winds. They reach a top speed exceeding 300km/h and in that area they usually blow from west to east. Thus, when we fly from Belgrade to New York those winds reduce the speed of the plane and consequent- ly increase the duration of the flight. On the return flight, from New York to Belgrade, they increase the speed of flight and shorten the duration of the flight. However, there are also periods when these winds are not so pronounced or have no significant effect on the duration of the flight, so that flights in either direc- tion have about the same duration. Of course, there are also other parameters that influence the duration of the flight, such as route selection, altitude or air- speed, or some other operational challenges.
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