• Specify Galvanic compatibility of various metal plating • Specify industry standard shielding products for EMC compliance • Evaluate waveguide effect of EMI/RFI shielded honeycomb ventilation panels • Analyze aperture attenuation modeling for EMC design Who Should Attend This seminar will benefit engineers requiring an understanding of their electronic product or system’s electromagnetic impact on meeting commercial EMC and MIL-STD 461 requirements, as well as those engineers needing to incorporate shielding products into new or current product improvement designs. Prerequisites Attendees should have knowledge of electrical and electronic products and proficiency in mathematics at an algebra level.
Prerequisites An undergraduate engineering degree or a strong technical background is highly recommended. A basic knowledge of college algebra, college physics, and a familiarity with modern engine or transmission systems is required Topical Outline • Fundamental Design Objectives for OBD Systems • Basic Design Features for OBD Systems • Defining “Good” vs. “Bad” Systems • Exercise: Defining Good vs. Defective Systems • Anatomy of an On-Board Diagnostic • Diagnostic Modeling • Understanding and Dealing with Variation −− Decision making processes −− Design guidelines for Exponentially Weighted Moving Averages (EWMA) Fundamentals of Shielding Design for EMC Compliance 1 Day | Classroom Seminar I.D.# C0835 It is important for electronic and hardware engineers to not only be knowledgeable of a product’s intended function and performance, but also its ability to perform within electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) limits. This seminar introduces practical shielding theory, design fundamentals, and configurations, including shielding products, common and differential modes, electromagnetic fields, and enclosure shielding. A segment on enclosure testing is presented in conjunction with an aperture attenuation modeling program (which is used to model atten- uation characteristics at various frequencies and aperture size prior to expensive FCC/CE compliance or MIL-STD 461 testing). Honeycomb vent panels, plating attenuation comparisons, and galvanic compatibility per MIL-STD 1250 will also be discussed. Although the concepts presented in this seminar may be applicable to the automotive industry, the examples and standards presented are primarily focused on military and commercial vehicle applications. Learning Objectives By attending this seminar, you will be able to: • Identify the basic characteristics of Common and Differential Mode • Recognize E,H, and Plane wave fields, Surface current and “Skin effect” based on increased frequency Instructor: Fee: $960 John Van Gilder or Igor Anilovich .7 CEUs URL: sae.org/learn/content/c0708/
Topical Outline • EMC Fundamentals −− Definitions
−− Maxwell equations −− EMI and apertures −− EMI environment and characteristics • Practical Shielding Theory
−− Common / Differential modes −− BLS Crosstalk / Radiated fields −− Reciprocity −− Emitter location effects −− Partial shields −− H, E, and PW fields −− Shielding material testing −− Absorption and reflection
• Shield Apertures −− Skin depth −− EM Leakage
−− Aperture calculation −− Multiple apertures −− RF current flow • Aperture Attenuation Modeling Program −− Aperture Calculations −− PCB test data comparisons −− Attenuation Modeling and Test Factor • Honeycomb Vent Panels −− Design - waveguide effect −− Attenuation of various panels −− Galvanic compatibility • EMC Shielding Products and Materials −− Board Level Shields (BLS) −− Gaskets (BeCu fingerstock, conductive fabric, conductive elastomer, wire mesh) −− Ferrites Materials −− RF Absorber −− Shielding principles
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