2018 FWPD Annual Report

Public Art

North Patrol Division Resolved Coalescing Continuum by Jim Woodson was moved from City Hall to its new home at the new North Patrol Division facility locat- ed at 8755 N. Riverside Drive. Jim Woodson is known for his figures and landscape paintings. Woodson draws inspiration from the high deserts of the southwest and com- bines what he calls inner and outer landscapes to create a dialogue interwoven with dreams, memo- ries, thought fragments, and streams of consciousness.

East Patrol Division

Pieces of Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow, a multi-faceted painting by local artist Gregory Beck, is the latest commissioned artwork to be added to the Fort Worth Public Art Collection. Located at the East Division Police Station at 5650 E. Lancaster Avenue, the vibrant artwork is inspired by the spirit of East Fort Worth and its ties to, and influences on, the city. The work, comprised of 27 individual pieces and eight large-scale panels, illus- trates a puzzle in progress. Each piece of the puzzle is inspired by East Fort Worth’s historic relevance and cul- tural diversity. Showing the evolution of the community in Handley-Meadowbrook, the artwork references signature elements of the area, such as the Interurban Railway that ran from Fort Worth to Lake Erie, and the Pike Drive-In Theater, as well as portraits of present-day community members and Fort Worth police officers.


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