King's Business - 1947-08

might do to repay her for her kind­ ness, she asked him to pray that God would give a son to her, a prayer that God soon answered. God’s Word says that it is far bet­ ter to have a little money and be godly, than to be very rich and serve Satan (Prov. 16:8). “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold. The rich and poor meet to­ gether: the Lord is the maker of them all” (Prov. 22:1,2). Each person has something which he must choose to either keep tor himself, or to share with others. That something may be money, time, tal­ ent, etc. Some have more chance to share than do others. Our willing­ ness to share cheerfully is that which is most important. God looks at the heart—at the reason for our actions. All that Christian boys and girls, have—their money, time, tal­ ent, etc., belongs to God. Some Christian boys and girls give one dime out of each dollar they receive to God, and then spend the other ninety cents in a way that pleases Satan. All that Christians have be­ longs to God, and should be used for His glory alone! How richly the godly woman was blessed for being generous and kind to God’s servant! God will richly bless each of His children today who is generous with His gifts.

M Y I N T H E C O N V E N T • A BOOK OF FACTS! A detailed description of black nunnery In Bristol. Twenty-four great chapters. Mar­ garet Shepherd, escaped nun, describes in detail the terrible experiences of helpless and defenseless girls within the high stone walls of Bristol convent. The most terrible revelations ever recorded. # OVER 4,000,000 COPIES PRINTED! The most extensively read book on the papal curse. No book like this in print. Read this frightful, heart-breaking story and learn the truth concerning convent life. 258 burning pages. ' Postpaid only $1.35. The edition is limited—so order at once. G O S P E L A R T S H O P P E Dept. K B Rowan, Iowa Please patronize our advertisers. L I F E

Songs o f C hrisfian Youth

N ew Transcription Type

10-Inch Records SUNSHINE HOUR RECORDINGS Can be greatly amplified for church and outdoor use. Vou*ll want “ Follow, 1 Will Follow Thee,** “ Heavenly Sunlight,** “ Youth Choruses,** “ Jericho Road,** “ Springtime In My Heart,** and 17 others. 5 or more, mail and tax prepaid, at $1.10 each. Many hymns —old and new. See your dealer or write: Religious Productions—Howard L. Brown, 950 N. Gower St., Hollywood 38, Calif.

'Til Takejesus Right Now!’’

Can You Help Us? The Music Director of Bi- ola is desirous of putting into permanent form all Bi- ola songs. The author of the following words, as well as the music, is not known. Ap­ parently the song was writ­ ten by a former student. Can any member of Biola Fam­ ily Circle supply this infor­ mation? KINO’S DAUGHTERS’ SONG We are the daughters of the King And we dwell in His courts of praise; His language flows from our Ups as we sing, As we worship Him to­ day. Chorus Daughters of the King, this our praise shall be As we join and sing through eternity, Through His matchless grace, tributes now we bring As here His footsteps we retrace, We’re daughters of the King.


COMPARATIVELY new phase o f our work meets a hearty response on every Mission­ ary field — week-day Bible classes for public school children. If they are held in the evening, we call them Bible Clubs. Flannelgraph and object lessons, scripture memory work, Bible stories, earnest prayers and gospel choruses keep the childrea keenly interested; and there is abundant evidence that God’s Spirit impresses the simple Bible truths on many young hearts. "I’ll take Jesus into my heart right now!” exclaimed a bright little fellow in a Colorado school after such a presentation. "And I like to have you come to our schoolhouse,” said another in South Dakota, "because I want Jesus to come into my heart and take away my sins." One school teacher remarked: "Children who other­ wise have no church or Sunday School opportu­ nities eagerly await your coming." Colorado schools with enrollments as high as 75, including Chinese, Japanese, Hindus and Mexicans, look forward with keen anticipation to "the day the Missionary com es." In our Middle Western District alone, during the past year, four special workers have ministered to about 1300 children, less than a third of whom were being reached by any other Christian agency. Jt'Sits said.' “ Go out into the highways and hedge» and compel them to come in, that my house may ha filled.” (Luke 14:18.) Will your sponsorship to with him “ along the old back road?’* For information write direct to DEPARTMENT OF MISSIONS, Desk K87 • 1816 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Pa.

Sixty-nine courts reported an increase of 56% in juvenile delinquency between 1938 and 1944. Children of 12 years and up are joining the criminal parade: and these youthful perpetrators of the most hideous crimes are al­ most entirely recruited from the m illions of boys and girls, both urban and rural, who are receiving no re­ ligious instruction. There is but one remedy— the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ preached in re­ deem ing and transforming power. This is the Mission of A.S.S.U. to rural America — >we have no other.

AMERICAN- Sunday School Union



AUGUST, 1947

Pag« Thirty-seven

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