Elevate October 2016 | Air Serbia

Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up


E tihad Airways and its strategic partner Air

A vio-kompanija Etihad ervejz i njen strateški partner Er Srbija poklonili su zimsku garderobu,

Serbia have donated items of winter clothing, stationary, school bags, and food parcels to more than 2,000 refugee children and Serbian orphans in Belgrade.

školske torbe sa priborom i pakete sa hranom za više od 2.000 izbegle dece i srpske dece bez roditeljskog staranja. Paketi pomoći, koji su zvanično donirani u Centru za azil u Krnjači u Beogradu, odražavaju posvećenost nacionalne avio-kompanije Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata global- nom obrazovanju i društvenoj odgovornosti. Deci u azilantskom centru su se pridružila i deca bez roditeljskog staranja Doma za decu i omladinu sa kojima su proveli nekoliko sati u druženju. Događaji u Srbiji su deo sporazuma koji je sklo- pljen između Etihad ervejza i Ambasade Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata u Beogradu kako bi se obezbedi- la humanitarna i socijalna podrška u Srbiji. Halid el Mehairbi, predsednik komiteta za sport i društvena pitanja Etihad ervejza, izjavio je: „Svako dete zaslu- žuje da živi u bezbednom okruženju i da ima pravo na obrazovanje. Nažalost, u današnjem svetu to nije uvek moguće i zato se nadamo da će ova inicijativa uspeti da pomogne deci tokom meseci koji slede.“

The aid package, which was offi- cially handed over at the Krnjača asylum centre in the Serbian ca- pital today, reflects the UAE na- tional airline’s ongoing commi- tment to global education and social responsibility. The chil- dren at the centre were joined by orphans from the Home for Children and Youth for a fun-filled few hours. The events in Serbia are part of an agreement between Etihad Airways and the UAE Embassy in Belgrade to provide huma- nitarian and social support in Serbia. During the last four ye- ars Etihad Airways has also supported education for children in Yemen, Morocco, Sri Lanka, Kenya and Jordan. Khaled Al Mehairbi, Chairman of the Etihad Sports and So- cial Committee, said: “Every child deserves to live in a safe and secure environment with access to education. Sadly in this world that is not always possible and so we hope that this initiative goes some way to helping these young children in the months ahead. Our special thanks goes for the UNHCR for supporting us to put a smile on the faces of the children.”

Svako dete zaslužuje da živi u bezbednom okruženju, poručuju iz Etihada Every child deserves to live in a safe and secure place, they said in Etihad

Air Serbia Tennis Initiative


V iše od 400 dece školskog uzrasta, starosti do 10 godina, moći će da učestvuje u Er Srbija inicijativi za razvoj tenisa , koja će se u Beogradu održavati od avgusta do oktobra. U saradnji sa gradom Beogradom i Teniskim savezom Srbije, Er Srbija je pokrenula kampanju u kojoj će mališani moći da pohađaju časove tenisa i uče od profesionalnih trenera. Časovi će se održavati na terenima vrhunskog Teniskog centra Novak, koji je dobio ime po srpskom teniskom profe- sionalcu i vodećem svetskom igraču u muškoj konkurenciji, Novaku Đokoviću, baš kao i jedan od aviona erbas A319 iz flote Er Srbije.

M ore than 400 schoolchildren up to the age of 10 will be able to participate in the “Air Serbia Tennis Initiative”, which will be held in Belgrade from August to October. In cooperation with the City of Belgrade and the Serbian Tennis Federation, Air Serbia has launched a campaign which will enable children to attend tennis lessons and learn from professional coaches. Classes will be held on the courts of the top Tennis Centre Novak, named after Serbian professional tennis player and the world’s top player in the men’s competition, Novak Đoković, just like one of the Airbus A319 aircraft in the Air Serbia fleet.

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