Vidimo se opet u Njujorku: Etihad ervejz će sponzorisati 17 nedelja mode širom sveta u naredne tri godine See you again in New York: Etihad Airways will sponsor 17 fashion weeks around the world over the next three years
interventions on textiles, such as burning and tearing – actually de- construction. The idea that something really unique can be created by taking an uncompromising approach to fashion, which MADE promotes, has been supported by Etihad Air- ways, as the official partner, and the atmosphere in the DGTL Bar, where guests enjoyed the unusual fashion shows while sipping cock- tails. And the cocktail receptions themselves were yet another story – reflecting the DNA of the part- ner countries of the United Arab Emirates (Etihad Airways), Serbia (Air Serbia), Italy (Alitalia) and
India (Jet Airways), with guests greeted by flight attendants. “MADE has been developing rapidly since 2009, when we start- ed,” said Barnett Zitron, vice pres- ident of the festival and managing director of MADE. “This season we have expanded to Berlin and Los Angeles, and for the first time we have a pop-shop, where de- signers will immediately be able to sell everything they show.” That’s great news when we consider that MADE was launched as a global platform that should counter the effects of the recession in the fashion in- dustry.
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