When I came to Serbia, I felt as though I had come to be a guest with my neighbours. The men- tality, way of life, traditions ... everything is similar. And the language, despite many differences, also has similarities. I came from Russia to a land of great culture, strongly interwoven into society. There were many experiments, avant-garde challenges in various fields ... I liked all of this. But the biggest change was that ballet in Serbia is rather undermined as an important part of culture. And not in terms of top professionals, but rather the conditions. Compared to Russia, espe- cially Moscow, ballet was not sufficiently popularised. In Russia, a science has been made of ballet, per- fection has been reached. You wonder whether tho- se are humans or fabulous machines on the stage. Few people know that Mariinsky Theatre in St.Peter- sburg’s is the most famous opera and ballet house in the world. Alongside the Bolshoi, this theatre is consi- dered the cradle of world ballet. My colleagues and I always run to the Bolshoi Theatre first when we’re in Moscow. But that is not only the case with artists. Everyone must see that. Ballet in Moscow is the most promoted form of cultu- re. Thus, as soon as people arrive in the city they seek tickets for the Bolshoi. At a high price, and often the last ones. The audience is used to the best and enjoys in the beauty. Once a month it is mandatory for Mus- covites to go to the Bolshoi. I still remember the com- petitive performance at the beginning of my career, on the upper stage of the theatre, and the sense of great responsibility, terror and awe. Moscow is a major city, with 12 million citizens. It is a huge machine, but with soul and tradition. Special, large, filled with content. It is a city in which you really need half a day to move from one part to another. It is only in two months that you may expe- rience it all nicely. I would recommend that everyone strolls throu- gh Arbat, the old pedestrian zone, the bohemian street, where one can feel the spirit of old times, but also the modern rhythm of the city. And, just as in Belgrade you cannot fail to visit Kalemegdan, so in Moscow you cannot dare to come and not see the Kremlin, the
ad sam došao u Srbiju, osećao sam se kao da sam došao kod komšije u goste. Mentalitet, način života, tradicija… sve je slično. I jezik, pored mnogih razlika, ima i sličnosti. Došao sam iz Rusije u zemlju velike kul- ture, snažno utkane u društvo. Bilo je mnogo eksperi- menata, avangardnih izazova na raznim poljima… Sve to mi se dopalo. Ali najveća promena bila je ta što je balet u Srbiji kao važan deo kulture prilično klecao. I to ne u smislu vrhunskih profesionalaca, nego uslova. U odnosu na Rusiju, Moskvu posebno, balet nije bio dovoljno popularizovan. U Rusiji je od baleta stvorena nauka, dostignu- ta perfekcija. Pitate se da li su to ljudi ili fenomenalne mašinice na sceni. Malo ljudi zna da je Marinski tea- tar u Sankt Peterburgu zapravo najpoznatija operska i baletska kuća na svetu. Ova kuća pored Boljšog teatra smatra se kolevkom svetskog baleta. Kolege i ja u Moskvi uvek prvo trčimo u Boljšoj teatar . Ali nije to samo slučaj s umetnicima. To treba svako da vidi. Balet je u Moskvi najpromovisaniji vid kulture. Zato, čim se stigne u grad, traže se karte za Boljšoj . Po visokoj ceni, često i poslednje. Publika je naviknuta na najbolje i uživa u lepom. Jedanput me- sečno Moskovljani obavezno idu u Boljšoj . Još pam- tim takmičarski nastup na početku karijere, na gornjoj sceni teatra. Osećaj velike odgovornosti, trepet i stra- hopoštovanje. Moskva je veliki centar, sa 12 miliona građana. Ogromna je to mašinerija, ali s dušom i tradicijom.
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