KO JE KONSTANTIN? Konstantin Kostjukov, svetski proslav- ljen baletski igrač, rođen je 26. apri- la 1967. godine u Kijevu, gde su se iz Rusije doselili njegovi roditelji Eduard i Ina. Prvak baleta Teatra Ševčenko u Ki- jevu postaje 1987. godine, a 1991. go- dine dobija angažman u baletu Na- rodnog pozorišta u Beogradu. Godine 2004. postaje i njegov direktor, gde i danas obavlja funkciju vršioca dužno- sti. Živi i radi u Beogradu, sa suprugom balerinom Duškom Dragičević otvo- rio je Baletsku školu Kostjukov–Dragiče - vić , gde se bavi podučavanjem klasič- nom baletu. WHO IS KONSTANTIN? Konstantin Kostyukov, a world renow- ned ballet dancer, was born on 26 th April 1967 in Kiev, where his parents, Eduard and Ina, had relocated from Russia. He became a ballet champi- on of the Shevchenko Theatre in Kiev in 1987, and in 1991 he was engaged in the ballet of the National Theatre in Belgrade. In 2004 he became its dire- ctor, and to this he still holds the po- sition of acting director. He lives and works in Belgrade, and with his wife, ballerina Duška Dragičević, he has ope- ned the Kostyukov-Dragičević Ballet School, which deals with classical ballet education.
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