An Italian has something that nobody else has. He has an eye for the beautiful, an unerring feeling for the exact number of moves in making products in any domain. He knows how to choose the right materials and, most importantly, he is capa- ble of processing them so that they last for a long time. Davide Scalmani, director of the Italian Culture Centre in Belgrade, be- lieves Italian design is unbeat- able because it consists of two elements – beauty and function- ality. - Products that carry the la- bel Made in Italy combine with-
Da bi se odgovorilo potražnji za dostu- pnim i praktičnim automobilima, Fijat je 1957. izbacio model činkvečento (cinque- cento), čuvenog fiću . Dizajnirao ga je Dan- te Đakoza i bio je to najpopularniji model svih vremena. Može se reći – legenda au- tomobilske industrije. Svojevrsno tehnič- ko remek-delo proizvodilo se sve do 1975. u prvoj verziji. I dalje postiže uspeh svojim novim modelima kao što je fijat 500 L . Ka- da govorimo o automobilima, ne možemo da se ne setimo i ferarija . Napravio ga je studio Pininfarina . Ovaj auto nam takođe pruža sličan užitak tehnike, doduše u dru- gom smislu. To je automobil za malo dru- gačije sanjare. LEGEND ON FOUR WHEELS In order to respond to the demand for acce- ssible and practical cars, In 1957 Fiat relea- sed the Cinquecento model, the famous Fi- cha. It was designed by Dante Giacosa and proved to be the most popular model of all time. It can be said that it is a legend of the automotive industry. A kind of technical masterpiece in its own right, it was produ- ced until 1975 in the first version. It still ac- hieves success with its new models, such as the Fiat 500 L. When it comes to cars, we cannot fail to mention Ferraris. They were made by the Pininfarina studio. This car also gives us a similarly pleasurable technique, albeit in a different sense. This is a car for a slightly different dreamer.
Davide Skalmani izdvaja pet italijanskih remek- dela koja su promenila svet Davide Scalmani highlights five Italian masterpieces that have changed the world
in them talent, taste and origi- nality. They stand out in terms of their quality and originality, but at the same time they have a clear purpose. Packaged in such a way, they make our lives easi- er, and give everything a dose of style – says Scalmani, an Italian who graduated in modern his- tory in Milan and by profession is an expert on the promotion of culture. – Italian designers use innovative materials and new forms to form the language of the new era, introducing ide- as in form and thus achieving a dynamic concept of beauty – he adds. Italy has a long tradi- tion of making high-qual- ity works of art. This fact helped to perfectly merge designers and entrepre- neurs into an inseparable duo. Both sides are aware that they are connected by the crea- tive aspect and the feasibility of production. Apart from that, ar- chitects, interior designers and others gain outstanding
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