Pored svih divnih uloga koje ste igrali, jedna koja nije filmska vam je ipak najdraža... – Materinstvo je moja najbolja uloga, promeni- lo me je na sve moguće načine, a kroz decu svaki dan učim o sebi. Kada snimam daleko od kuće, uvek ose- ćam grižu savesti. Sećam se kad je Džo punio četi- ri godine, radila sam na jednom francuskom filmu u Crnoj Gori, Džulijan je snimao u Njujorku, a klinci su ostali sa mojom mamom u Los Anđelesu. Bio je neki francuski praznik i cela ekipa je dovela dečicu na sni- manje, a ja sam donela torte da proslavimo Džoov ro- đendan. Pozvala sam ga, tek se probudio. Rekao mi je: „Mama, sanjao sam noćas da smo opet svi zajedno kao porodica.“ Plakala sam kao kiša. Pokazuju li sklonost ka glumi? – Pored mame glumice i tate reditelja, scena im je prirodno okruženje. Gledala sam Luija u školskom Oliveru Tvistu i imala osećaj da gledam malu Branku na sceni! Bio je potpuno opušten, imao je tačan akce- nat. I Džo ima dara. Igrao je Tonija u Priči sa zapad- ne strane i postao potpuno opčinjen scenom. Čak je tražio i agenta. Ja želim samo da budu srećni šta god da izaberu, neću ih gurati ni u šta. Doći će momenat koji će ih odvesti tamo kuda tre- ba da idu. Nedostaje li vam pozorište? – Nedostajalo mi je mnogo, ali dobila sam šansu da zaigram
learn about myself every day. When I film far away from home I always have a guilty conscience. I remem- ber when Joe turned four, I was working on a French film in Montenegro, Julian was filming in New York, and the kids stayed with my mum in Los Angeles. The- re was a French holiday and the whole team brought their kids to the shooting, and I brought a cake to cele- brate Joe’s birthday. I called him. He had just woken up and he told me: “Mama, I dreamed last night that we were all together again as a family”. I cried like rain. Do they show a propensity for acting? - alongside an actress mother and a director father, the movie scene is their natural environment. I saw Lo- uie in the school’s version of “Oliver Twist” and I had the feeling that I was watching little Branka on the sta- ge! He was completely relaxed and had the correct ac- cent. And Joe has a gift. He played Tony in “West Side Story” and became completely mesmerised by the sta- ge. He even asked for an agent. I just want them to be happy whatever they choose; I will not push them into anything. There will come a moment that will take them where they need to go.
Do you miss the theatre? - I miss it a lot, but I got a chance to perform in Sha- kespeare’s “Globe”. I played the goddess Athena in a mo- dern adaptation of Aeschylus’s “Oresteia” by young writer Rory Mullarkey. The stage at the “Globe” is magical, with the audience all around you. I had major stage fright after a break of 16 years, but the team was great. Everyone offered me a lot of support. One gets the impression that people have mostly been good to you everywhere? - The main character in Julian’s drama “Marvellous” says: “I’m good towards people and people are good towards me. And if they are not good to me, I find some that are”. I really like that life philosophy. I can’t say that my experiences have always been positive, but
THE PLANET IS SMALL We really travel a lot. It’s exciting, but al- so exhausting. Some- times, for a moment, I do not know whi- ch city I have woken up in. Cities look ali- ke, people look ali- ke, everything some- times get mixed up in the memory... But I li- ke the fact that whe- rever we find our- selves in the world, we manage to find li- ke-minded souls. I li- ke the fact that the planet is smaller for us thanks to travel.
PLANETA JE MALA Stvarno mnogo pu- tujemo, uzbudlji- vo je, ali i naporno. Ponekad, na tren, ne znam u kojem sam se gradu pro- budila. Gradovi li- če, ljudi liče, sve ti se ponekad izme- ša u sećanju... Ali sviđa mi se što gde god da se nađemo u svetu, uspevamo da nađemo srod- ne duše. Sviđa mi se što je zbog pu- tovanja planeta za nas manja.
u Šekspirovom Globu . Igrala sam boginju Atinu u modernoj obradi Eshilove Orestije mladog pisca Rorija Malarkija. Scena u Globu je čarobna, publika je svu- da oko tebe. Imala sam ogromnu tremu posle pauze od 16 godina, ali ekipa je bila divna. Svi su mi pružili mnogo podrške. Stiče se utisak da su ljudi uglavnom svuda bili dobri prema vama? – Glavni lik Džulijanove dra- me Marvellous koji je baziran na stvarnoj osobi Nilu Boldvi- nu kaže: „Ja sam dobar prema ljudima i ljudi su dobri pre- ma meni, a ako nisu dobri pre-
ma meni, ja nađem neke koji jesu.“ Veoma mi se sviđa ta životna filozofija. Ne mogu reći da su mi iskustva uvek bila pozitivna, ali uvek kada se neko ružno po- neo prema meni, smatrala sam da je to posledica nje- gove slabosti i lične nesreće. Da bi bio dobar glumac, moraš biti otvoren, senzibilan, da nisi sa sedam koža i oklopa. Bilo je stvari koje su me povredile, ali zadr- žavati se na njima samo crpi energiju. Sve što imamo je ovaj momenat sada, zato ne treba da ga trošimo na nešto što je prošlo i što ne može da se promeni. Retko se pojavljujete u medijima, zašto ne voli- te da dajete intervjue? – Mnogo više volim da glumim nego da pričam o sebi (mada se to iz ovog intervjua ne vidi, zar ne?). In- tervjui i premijere neminovno prate moj posao, ali me zaista mnogo više interesuje proces stvaranja nego priča o tome.
always when someone has acted nastily towards me I’ve considered that as being due to their weakness or personal unhappiness. In order to be a good actor you have to be open, sensitive, not with seven skins and armour. There have been things that have hurt me, but to dwell on that only drains energy. All that we have is this moment now. That’s why we should not waste it on something that has passed and that cannot be changed. You rarely appear in the media. Why don’t you like giving interviews? - I much prefer to act rather than to talk about my- self (although you don’t see that in this interview, ri- ght?). Interviews and premieres inevitably accom- pany my job, but I’m really much more interested in the process of creation than talking about it...
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