foods and drinks which He has made to build perfect bodies. A strong Christian boy or girl can serve the Saviour in many more ways than can one who is always ill because he does not take the proper care of his body. The great mis sionary, Paul, said, “ Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31). Honor Him by caring for your body which is His temple, and He will honor you with health and strength for His service. Founded in 1907 Bolivian Indian Mission Pacific Coast Council 230 No. New Hampshire Ave. Los Angeles 4 , Calif. Featuring two Bible Institutes in the Spanish and Quechua languages. CHRIST1AN w ■ ■ ■ ■ ßnPFTiNßmone GREETING CARDS Ourbox of 21 DeLuxe Christmas folders have appropriate Scripture Texts and meaningful sentiments that express TRUE CHRISTmas spirit. Add spiritual quality to the Christmas season. Designs are artistically lithographed in seven beautifully tinted pastel colors. These Chnst-honoring cards make people conscious that CHRISTmas is Christ’s birthday. Sell readily at $1. As Special Sample Offer we will mail these 21 folders plus box of beautiful all-occasion folders post-paid for $1. Groups raise funds, agents make money, selling our complete .’ine of 20 Assortments. Profit up to 100 % .Write todav*
NOVEMBER 9, 1947 DISCIPLINED LIVING 1 P et . 1:13-23; 4:1-5
lieves just as certainly as the quality of fruit is dependent upon the character of the vine. Again and again, even as in the passage before us, the writers of Scripture exhort their readers to base their practical, everyday living squarely upon the solid foundation of Christian doctrine. Be ye holy in all manner of conversa tion (1:15). The word translated conver sation means more than simply a per son’s talk. It concerns every phase of his living. The Greek word conveys the idea of turning up and down, back and forth, again and again, so that the object may be carefully observed from every angle. So should be the Christian’s life, con sistent, without reproach, patterned after the holiness of God (v. 16). Pass the time of your sojourning here in fear (1:17). The word fear is used in two senses in the Scriptures: the fear of the man who knows not God as a Saviour, and the fear of the person who does know God. G. Campbell Morgan dif ferentiates between the two fears in the following manner: First, “ fear lest God hurt man” ; second, “ fear lest man hurt the heart of God.” In the latter sense every child of God should possess fear. It should be our constant concern lest we do anything to grieve His Spirit. The Christian’s main business while in this world is to live in the reverent fear of God. n n n For the Children How to G row S trong (D aniel 1) M e m o r y V e r s é : “ God . . . giveth us richly all things to enjoy” (1 Tim. 6:17). Daniel and his three friends were cap tives in a heathen land. The king com manded them to eat his rich food and to drink his wine for three years, and then to be brought in to serve him. Daniel knew that God had given them good, simple food to keep their bodies well and strong. He knew that wine and some foods harm our bodies. Daniel asked that for ten days he and his friends be al lowed to eat the plain food which they were accustomed to, and to drink water rather than wine. At the end of that time, the men were brought before the king. The four who had eaten correctly were fairer and stronger than the others who had eaten the king’s food. God gave to these four clean, strong men great wisdom and knowledge as they served the heathen king. The Holy Spirit lives within the body of each Christian. God’s children should keep their bodies clean and strong and ready for their Master’s use. Anything that weakens their bodies, or hinders their growth, should never be allowed to enter their bodies which are the temples of God. To make our bodies strong for God’s service, we must choose those
Outline and Exposition T he E xhortation (1 :18 )
Garments in Scripture symbolize hab its. There are mental habits which must be girded up lest, like flowing garments, they hinder the Christian’s progress. The truly sober man' walks and moves with freedom, using but not abusing the gifts of God, or allowing them to usurp the first place in either his will or affec tions. The sustaining power for the Christian is found in the hope that looks on toward the end, when the Lord Him self will come. T he M arks . of O bedience (1:14-23) The obedient one walks in holiness (14-16). He is separated from his old life with its desires to a new life with desires akin to the Father’s, who would have all His children to be holy like Himself. The obedient one walks in fear (17-21). This is not the fear of one afraid of a Judge, but the reverential awe of one who has God as his Heavenly Father. This kind of fear results from an understanding that redemption was procured by the precious blood of Christ. The obedient one walks in love (22, 23). By being born of God, a new nature is acquired, even God’s own nature, which is love. Love of the brethren in Christ flows out naturally from such a heart. One loves all Christians knowing that they are born again by the incorruptible Word. T he S ober W alk (4 :1 -5) The Christian is in, though no longer of, the world. His life is lived not after the desires of men, but in view of the will o f God. It is the cross that separates the old life from the new (Gal. 2:20; Rom. 6:11-14). Such a walk necessarily testifies that the world and its works are evil, and this brings persecution from the world. But consideration should be given to the future day when all will give account to the Judge of both the liv ing and the dead. □ n n Points and Problems Wherefore gird up the loins of your m ind (1:13). The word wherefore at the beginning of this practical section of Scripture (w . 13-25) is like a finger pointing .backward to the doctrinal basis for Christian living. The inspired writer calls attention in this manner to the vital connection between doctrine and practice, between foundation and super structure, between root and fruit. There cannot be One without the other. Some people, without thinking, have said it does not make any difference what you believe so long as your living is right. But the truth Of the matter is that living depends upon what a person be- O C T O B E R , 1947
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