King's Business - 1947-10

side toward you, cut one inch from the top on both sides to within % o f an inch of the middle, and then at right angles to the top, making the trunk of the tree. Use a piece of stiff paper 10 x 12 inches for a mounting sheet. With the 10 inch side toward you, near the bottom cut two small slits to receive this base. In large letters print on it, “ FAITH IN CHRIST.” To make the tree, use 7 pieces of green paper 2 inches wide. The length o f these papers should be 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 inches respectively. Fold each down the middle, making them 1 inch wide. With the fold at the top, be­ ginning with the longest, write one of the following words on each, “ VIRTUE, KNOWLEDGE, TEMPERANCE, PA­

TIENCE, GODLINESS, KINDNESS, and LOVE.” Make slots in the mounting sheet to receive each folded piece. When placed in position, the pieces will re­ semble a tree. Gently lift the upper half of each folded piece, and on the lower half with a red crayon make some red spots representing fruit. Remove all the pieces before beginning the lesson.) Lesson: Would you like to find some fruit today? I hear you say, “ I don’t see any tree on which to find it.” Let’s plant a tree and watch it grow. Do you know that Peter tells us how to be fruitful ? We read, “ Add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temper­

ance patience; and to patience godli­ ness; and to godliness brotherly kind­ ness; and to brotherly kindness charity. For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful” (2 Pet. 1:5-8). We will use “ FAITH IN CHRIST” for the base of the tree, and for the boughs we will use “ VIRTUE, KNOWL­ EDGE, TEMPERANCE, PATIENCE, GODLINESS, KINDNESS, and LOVE [which is another word for charity].” Now we have a tree. We will lift the leaves to see if there is any fruit. (Take the top o f each piece o f paper out of the slits.) See, it is full of fruit. (Raise the mounting sheet up, and tilt the top

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! ° Christi°ns Everywhere:

Objects: An electric light cord about six feet long, two square-headed bolts four inches long, two sticks one inch square by seven inches long, a long glass dish such as is used to defrost an elec­ tric refrigerator, a red cross cut from cardboard about ten inches high, and the side view of a church cut from card­ board. (Cut one of the wires in the light cord. Fasten a new wire about three feet long to the current end, and another the same length to the light end o f the cut wire. Tape the joints. Fasten the ends of each of these wires to sep­ arate bolts with solder or between nuts. Before fastening the wires to the bolts, bore a hole in the end of each stick and slip one over each bolt. The sticks will serve as nonconducting handles. Fasten the red cross to the outside of the dish at about the middle of one side. Cover the windows of the church with richly colored translucent paper, such as is found in envelope linings. Place the light bulb back of the church. Fill the glass dish half full of water. Place one of the bolts in each end of the dish. If the light bulb in the church fails to give a dim light, sprinkle salt in the water gradually until it does. This test should be made beforehand.) Lesson: These bolts are so much like Christians that I have named them Bill and Bob. Christians help keep the light of the gospel shining in the church. The light in this church is very dim, and the reason for it is that Bill and Bob are

WGre f i n a l l y Christian butn7 d C° ,,e9eS are a far Crv fr __ ¡H but today they designed them to be h o t Z " f° Unders "<* Christian but m ' ° " y are they When a co„e a eT 7 3 K r i s t i a n

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c o h o n a l f a d / i ^ A ^ ^ ^ ^ 6 ¡or G o rg in g its edu- "d d'nin9 h°" s are needed to mUsic building ed u ca tio n facilities for Wheaton’T ^ 1 H Christians everywhere shoo d ^ b° dV- supports Christ and His Kin ^ SUPP° rf a «hoo I which °nd their gift*. K'"gdom -with both their p ' rs Yours for the F*t- • ' Extension of His Kingdom,

Chief Cartoonist

For full Information concerning Wheaton’s needs and plans for the fu tu re , w rite TODAY. Address Box KL-107 COLLEGE • Wheaton, ////nois


Page Twenty-eight

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