Aran Hall School Curriculum Policy



Subject: Curriculum Policy

Aims of our Curriculum (As linked to our Curriculum Map) - To enable pupils to gain a recognised qualification, appropriate to their level, in Literacy and Numeracy. - To educate pupils aged 11 – 20, through Key Stages Three and Four, and onto Post-16 learning with varied and bespoke full-time timetables. - To experience a full range of academic and non-academic learning opportunities. - To work in-line with the New Curriculum for Wales in nurturing: healthy, confident individuals; ambitious, capable learners; enterprising, creative contributors; ethical, informed citizens. - To support pupils through the medium of English and to encourage an interest in Welsh culture and language (and support Welsh language speakers, as needed). - To provide a wide range of learning experiences for each pupil, and then to fine-tune those into preferred lessons which will support them in their next-step progression. - To equip all pupils with basic life skills so that they understand how to keep safe and healthy, and are able to access life. - To prepare all pupils for their personal next steps and future plans with regards to independence, experiences and qualifications and certificates. From years 7 – 11 (KS3 – 4), all pupils will have the opportunity to study subjects linked to the six Areas of Learning within the New Curriculum for Wales: Languages, Literacy and Communication; Maths and Numeracy; Science and Technology; Health and Well-being; Humanities; Expressive Arts. (Curriculum Map: Phase 1) - In years 10 -13 (KS4 - 5), pupils will be able to fine-tune their curriculum choices according to preferences, skills sets and future career plans. This could be solely on-site at Aran Hall School, Contents of our Curriculum -

following a full-time timetable. (Curriculum Map: Phase 1 – 2)

- In years 12 – 13 (KS5), pupils can have the opportunity to work with the local college (Coleg Meirion- Dwyfor) on an Independent Learning Skills programme; this may include subjects such as: Gardening, Engineering, IT, Health and Social Care; Personal and Social Development; Health and Fitness, enabling pupils to complete units and work towards a BTEC Level One Award or Certificate in Vocational Studies. These plans follow a full-time timetable, but include education on-site at Aran Hall as well as

off-site at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor. (Curriculum Map: Phase 1 – 2)

- According to ability, pupils may also opt to study AS and A-Levels at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and/ or through private tuition provided by Aran Hall School. Subjects can be chosen according to pupil skill and interest. (Curriculum Map: Phase 4)




- According to ability rather than age, we are able to offer a range of nationally-recognised qualifications and certificates: a full range of subjects initially through AQA Unit Award Scheme, and then through WJEC Entry Pathways courses; Agored Cymru Entry Level 2 and 3 for a range of RSE-related units; WJEC Entry Level Maths and English; AQA Functional Skills Level 1 qualifications in Maths and English; GCSE English; A-Level English. - Through all ages and Phases of our Curriculum Map, pupils have the opportunities to develop their independence and independent living skills; this is supported by cooking, shopping and planning sessions; specific PSHE and RSE and Entry Pathways units. Timetables can and will vary according to each pupil’s plans for the futur e and next steps. There will be frequent cross-curriculum opportunities for pupils to develop their Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Competency skills (across all Phases of our Curriculum Map). Full-Time, Fully-Supported Education All pupils are taught 1-2-1 or supported in pairs or small groups (as per individual RAMPs and length of time at school and Level on the school’s Achieve! programme). The school day consists of two sessions: 9.30am – 12.30pm and 1.30pm – 3.30pm. the day is divided into 10 x 30-minute sessions. Depending on their Level on the Achieve! programme, pupils follow a Work-Reward- Work-Reward pattern (for pupils on Level 1 and Level 1+) or a Work-Work-Reward pattern (for pupils on Level 2, Level 2+ and Level 3). As appropriate (i.e. for pupils who are on or working towards Level 3, or pupils who are preparing for exams), pupils may have hour- long lessons throughout the school day. As each pupil’s timetable is personal to them, we are able to offer huge flexibility with what we can provide and for how long. Aran Hall School currently has term dates in-line with Gwynedd Council, meaning that there are 6 half-terms per year and 190 school days per year. Due to our varied and skilled staff provision, we are able to support Welsh speakers (in written and spoken forms), as preferred and appropriate. Delivering the Curriculum The curriculum is delivered according to individual pupils’ needs, preferences and stipulations in EHCPs and Statements of Learning. All pupils are supported in developing and managing positive behaviours for learning and independence through the school’s Achieve! programme. This is an evidence -based programme, which uses the principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis. It runs alongside learning and uses rewards to encourage positive behaviours and to nurture pupils towards independence. All pupils follow the school’s Curriculum Map, but our personalisation allows that to be at each pupil’s own pace and according to his needs and future aspirations and plans. Lessons are delivered in a variety of ways, again according to pupils’ needs. Some of the teaching strategies we employ include: - Multi-sensory approaches - Academic curriculum lessons e.g. English and Maths (leading to nationally recognised qualifications) - Functional and practical lessons e.g. IT, recipe choosing/ planning/ shopping and cooking - Outdoor education e.g. gardening and PE - Off-site education e.g. lessons with Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, stable craft and horse-riding sessions, food shopping - Teaching real skills in real settings - Work experience (again, we are able to arrange a variety of ‘experiences’: on -site with gardening, our school library, our termly school newsletter and school-related projects; off-site in partnerships with local businesses).




ALN and ALP – Additional Learning Needs and Additional Learning Provision (Wales only) New regulations under the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 have stated that all children and young people with a learning difficulty or disability are entitled to a statutory support plan, an Individual Development Plan (similar, in English, to an EHCP). At Aran Hall, we are able to offer specialist provision to support the learning needs (or, in England, ‘special educational needs’) for each pupil as we teach most pupils for most subjects individually, and according to their specific needs. Such provision may include the following: - dedicated time with staff specialists (this can be English, Maths or Science specialists for these subjects, or our Therapist for some PSHE, RSE and pupil-centred therapy sessions, as well as teaching assistants who work 1:1 with pupils and have a comprehensive understanding of each pupil’s particular needs); - use of specialist equipment (e.g. modified computer equipment, scribe and writing support); - adaptations to the traditional curriculum (through bespoke timetables and personalised learning e.g. use of specialised programmes to support reading – learning and development – and basic numeracy skills); - access to particular subjects and topics (as appropriate and relevant e.g. PSHE topics and visits from outside agencies like North Wales Fire and Rescue ART – Arson-Reduction Team – and North Wales Police); - work with specialist services such as an internally employed Therapist, and associated Speech and Language Therapist, Educational and Clinical Psychologists. Currently and in recent times at Aran Hall, we have developed the expertise in supporting pupils with a wide range of Additional Learning Needs, including: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; Autistic Spectrum Disorders; Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties; Dyslexia; Dyscalculia; Dyspraxia; Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties; Mild and Moderate Learning Difficulties. Promoting Equality Equal opportunities, regardless of learners’ needs, abilities and backgrounds, is at the heart of our philosophy and practice. We recognise our duty to support the 9 characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010: 1. Age 2. Disability 3. Gender Reassignment 4. Marriage & Civil Partnership 5. Pregnancy & Maternity 6. Race 7. Religion or Belief 8. Sex 9. Sexual Orientation (As a school in Wales, it is important for us to be mindful of an additional characteristic: 10. Language; pupils have access to equal opportunities in both English and Welsh.) Promoting equality and acceptance underpins our approach to planning and delivering learning opportunities and our focus on accessibility for all. We take our responsibilities to overcome potential learning barriers and support diverse learning needs seriously and strive to provide constructive, effective and challenging activities and opportunities for all pupils regardless of ability, gender or race. All staff have high expectations of all pupils and provide positive role models. All pupils will have access to a wide range of materials and experiences in order to promote tolerance and understanding at each pupil ’s level.




Health and Safety Staff follow the school’s health and safety policies and procedures and receive training so that they understand and feel confident in doing so. All environments and learning activities are risk assessed; any off-site activities are risk assessed separately. All pupils have an individual risk assessment (RAMP) which is regularly reviewed, and read and considered when planning all learning activities. Personalised Approach As a school with a small number of pupils, we are advantaged in being able to personalise each pupil’s curriculum and learning opportunities – both throughout the school day and, as all of our pupils are residential and most on 52-week placements, beyond school hours as well. Pupils have a variety of targets set, usually in consultation and agreement with the Care and Education teams, via EHCPs, LAC Reviews and PEP meetings. In addition to this (and often to ensure progress towards these targets in school time), each pupil has a termly IEP. These IEPs are written by teaching staff, in consultation with teaching assistants who work closely with the pupils. In Maths and English, specialist teachers set and monitor targets and contribute to written Education Reports. To support the pupils’ progress, termly meetings between the class teacher and Head of Learning and Principal are held (Termly Review Meetings); at these meetings, future plans for each pupil are discussed and agreed – as per our Curriculum Map. SMSC, British Values and RSE Culture is an important aspect of pupils’ daily lives and curriculum: we live in Wales, in a rural environment and pupils are encouraged to utilise local facilities as much as possible. Furthermore, pupils are nurtured to appreciate Welsh culture (and understand the term ‘culture’ to include: language, historical events and people, the local environment, wider Wales, music, literature and art). Welsh culture is celebrated and taught throughout pupils’ provision. Fundamental British values permeate through the whole curriculum to support the development of an understanding of the key values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and a tolerance of other faiths and beliefs. We recognise the importance of Relationship and Sex Education in supporting the students to develop an increasing awareness of self, of their emotions and developing healthy relationships. (There is a separate RSE Policy available for further and more specific information.) Using Information Technology (IT) to Support Learning, Independence and Personal Development The New Curriculum for Wales acknowledges the importance and use of IT in everyday life as Digital Competency runs through the entire curriculum; we incorporate this into pupils’ daily lessons and learning. Pupils have discrete IT lessons as well as access to their own desk top computer, as appropriate and relevant, throughout the school day. In addition to this, pupils have access to an I-pad and learning apps to support their progress and development. These are common in promoting literacy with Spell-o-Drone, and numeracy with Doodle app. Staying safe online and using technology safely are especially pertinent to many of our pupils and their past experiences; therefore, pupils receive regular support via PSHE and IT lessons (as well as through any other opportunities which occur) on using IT and the internet safely. The Achieve! programme allows us to provide pupils with steadily increasing access to and use of technology (including personal laptops, mobile phones, I- pads and games consoles). Curriculum Management We monitor the curriculum, its content and delivery regularly according to new admissions, ability levels of pupils and future intentions of pupils, as well as staffing and provision. This is important in order to: - Gather information about the effectiveness of teaching and learning and the impact of the curriculum on students




- Gather information on outcomes for individuals and the whole school (for the school’s SIP/PIE) - Inform effective planning for subject and school improvement (similarly for the school’s SIP/PIE) - Make judgments about the success and effectiveness (or otherwise) of curriculum materials and plans - Evaluate the quality of classroom learning. Curriculum Review As above, the curriculum is reviewed regularly (at least termly) – to support the pupils’ needs and progress; to support and inform the school’s SIP/PIE (a working document); to accommodate changes and trends in education. A range of evidence sources are used to inform our review process: - Observation – classroom observation - Written or recorded evidence – pupil s’ work, curriculum plans, schemes of work, policies, minutes, accreditation results, test results and exam results - Recorded evidence – drawings, photographs, teacher records, IEPs, targets and feedback from EHCP/ Statement, LAC and PEP reviews - Termly Review Meetings (between class teachers and the Principal and Head of Learning) - Progress records - Review Evidence – annual review paperwork (from EHCPs, Statements, PEPs and LAC meetings) - Interviews – with both staff and students - External Evidence - Estyn reports and Annual Monitoring Visit (AMV) feedback and recommendations, LA visitor feedback, National reports.

February 2023 ( post Senad Inspection with Suzanne Pennington, Director of Education)

Date of next supplementary review: September 2024

Signed by:

L Eiri


E Patten

Head of Learning


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