SharpLife Magazine

Beauty Redefined


n one way or form, beauty matters to us all. It could be the beauty of one’s soul or the aesthetics of personal appearance, either way; we all find pleasure in the attractive aspects of life. Our personal appearance can often impact howwe live our lives. When we look our best, we tend to feel our best, in turn increasing our confidence and boosting our self esteem. But what is it that we find beautiful? When young, we often strive to follow trends—to mirror the image of our peers that we find attractive. After 35, many of us try to reflect a younger version of ourselves, holding on to moments of our lives that perhaps we took for granted. Regardless of what is it, appearance continues to be an important variable and the statistics speak for themselves.


ccording to the 2018 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report minimally-invasive cosmetic procedures (such as laser treatments), have shown a tremen- dous increase since the early 2000s. From 2000- 2018 laser hair removal treatments have increased by 46%, of which 17% of pa- tients being male and 83% female. Similarly, laser skin resurfacing has shown astounding growth, up a staggering 248%. To put it in to perspective, in 2000, 4,847,561 minimally- invasive cosmetic procedures were per- formed, whereas in 2018, 15,909,931 proce- dures were performed, showing a 228% increase over the last 18 years. These figures demonstrate an important factor; that more people are investing more time and more money in their appearance than ever before. However, what is more important is to under- stand why. Why has the demand for mini- mally-invasive cosmetic procedures steadily increased over the last two decades? One might speculate a rather simple answer—Our expected time on this beautiful planet we call Earth has increased.

As defined, beauty is the quality or aggregate in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit.


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