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Volume 4 • No. 38 • 8 pages • CORNWALL, ON • August 20 août 2014
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Cornwall’s most rewarding hobby Photos: Francis Racine Matthew Thompson has a hobby that allows him to discover Cornwall’s rich heritage: time travel. But unlike Michael J. Fox in the 1985 movie Back to the future, Thompson doesn’t use a DeLorean converted into a time machine by a mad professor. Instead, he uses state-of-the-art metal detecting tools to explore anything from local municipal parks to private properties (with approval, of course) and even the underwater landscape. Read the whole story on Page 5
Une fin inoubliable pour le club de lecture
Helping out their fellow Cornwall citizens
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Campus de Carleton à Cornwall
editionap.ca gŏđŏ Une fin inoubliable pour le club de lecture d’été
Photos fournies
Une centaine de jeunes lecteurs, ainsi que leurs parents, se sont tous réunis au Centre civique le 14 août dernier, dans le but de célébrer la !n du club de lecture d’été TD. En tout, les 330 enfants de trois à 13 ans ont lu un total de 4180 livres en six semaines, soit la durée du programme. Le groupe musical Junkyard Symphonie a su divertir les multiples jeunes lecteurs, tandis que plusieurs prix ont été distribués par Lyne Lapalme, directrice du département des jeunes pour la bibliothèque de Cornwall. Sur la photo, celle-ci remet un iPad mini à deux jeunes lecteurs, soit Abdullah Ilyas et Megan Roundpoint. 600 athletes to compete in Triathlon Over 600 athletes are expected to lace up their running shoes this August 23 and 24 for the annual Cornwall Triathlon. The Cornwall Triathlon o#ers a unique experi- ence that sets it apart from other triathlons in the area by o#ering tra!c free cours- es along the scenic St. Lawrence River. The Cornwall Triathlon has evolved into a highly competitive event attracting athletes from across Canada, the United States and beyond. While there may be some competitive classes, the Cornwall Triathlon also provides a weekend of fun activity for athletes of any age and ability. Begin- ning with the “Kids Day Race” on Saturday, young budding triathletes can compete in Triathlon (swim, bike, run) or Duathlon (run, bike, run) events in age grouped events. All youth events take place in and around the beautiful Cornwall Aquatic Centre. On August 24, the adults move to École secondaire publique L’Héritage as the home base for the event. Adults will swim in the St. Lawrence River, bike on a closed course through Le Village, and run on the Cornwall recreational path into the Gray’s Creek Conservation Area. Eric Duncan files for re-election Eric Duncan, the mayor of North Dundas and warden of the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry o!cially launched his campaign for a second term on August 6. “I am really proud of what we’ve been able to do in North Dundas these past four years.” said Duncan. “I feel we have really modernized ourselves as a municipality by coming up with new ways of doing things. And we have become known as a municipality that is really forward thinking and innovative. I hope to have the opportunity to keep that energy going for another term.” In conjunction with "ling his papers, Duncan launched a campaign website, www.ericduncan.ca. “People have repeatedly told me that they like how our council and sta# work to- gether without drama, partisan bickering, and games,” added Duncan. “It’s made a di#erence: our meetings are e#ective, there is clear direction, and we are getting things done. My commitment is to keep that positive tone and strong team ap- proach, and keep moving in the right direction.” Duncan is the "rst candidate for mayor to "le in North Dundas. The deadline for nominations is September 12, and Election Day is October 27.
BANQUE DE CANDIDATURES AU CEFEO! Le Centre d’éducation et de formation de l’Est ontarien (CEFEO) est une école alternative offrant aux jeunes et aux adultes des cours de formation professionnelle, des cours permettant d'accéder au Diplôme d'études secondaires de l'Ontario (DESO) ainsi que des cours d'intérêt général. POUR L’ANNÉE SCOLAIRE 2014-2015 Le CEFEO cherche à constituer une banque de candidatures de formateurs et formatrices pour d'éventuels besoins en formation aux adultes à temps partiel de jour et/ou de soir dans ces domaines :
x Administration x Arts
x Informatique x Comptabilité x Formation linguistique x Multimédias x Santé et bien-être x Toute autre suggestion…
Si vous possédez de l'expérience, des connaissances et/ou des qualifications dans un de ces domaines, nous vous invitons à ajouter votre CV à notre banque de candidatures. Prière de spécifier lequel ou lesquels de nos campus se situent dans votre rayon de déplacement : Alexandria, Casselman, Cornwall, Hawkesbury et/ou Rockland . Merci de nous faire parvenir votre curriculum vitae accompagné d'une lettre de motivation à l'adresse courriel suivante : administration@educoptions.ca au plus tard le vendredi 5 septembre 2014 . Pour de plus amples renseignements, communiquez avec nous au 613 764-1941. JOIGNEZ-VOUS À NOTRE ÉQUIPE DYNAMIQUE!
Helping out their fellow Cornwall citizens gŏđŏ
“We have furnished about 10 homes and it is continuing. We are now doing a school book bag for the kids to go back to school.” The idea to help fellow residents seems to even have rubbed o# her son, who takes apart bicycles and rebuilds them to give to other kids who can’t a#ord one. The group’s Facebook page claims that its mission statement is to “spread good will and acts of kindness to your fellow man/ woman. It’s to spread the word of any char- ity in need of help and to spread the word of anyone in need of help, may it be man, woman, child or animal.” Examples of what members might do for their fellow Cornwallian neighbors are as follows: pay for someone else’s cup of cof- fee, get the next person’s food, toll, gas, help someone in need and many more. All in all, the Pay it Forward initiative in Cornwall has but one goal: spreading good deeds in the city. Miracle Treat Day A long-awaited event titled Miracle Treat Day and held on August 14 at the Cornwall Dairy Queen, raised quite a lot of support
from the local group, with several calls for people to attend being made a week before the event. According to the o!cial Dairy Queen website, $1 or more from every Bliz- zard purchased was donated to local Chil- dren’s Miracle Network Hospitals to help children in need.
FRANCIS RACINE francis.racine@eap.on.ca
Centre Charles-Émile Claude Dansez en ligne avec Gloria Boisvert tous les lundis de 13 h 30 à 15 h 30 dans la grande salle climatisée du CCÉC. Le CCÉC vous invite au BINGO tous les lun- dis à 18h. Jouez aux $échettes les mardis à 13h30. Smart City Toastmasters Club Smart City Toastmasters Club o#ers the opportunity to learn communica- tion skills and provides practical leader- ship experience in a positive environ- ment. Meetings are on the "rst and third Wednesdays of each month at the St. Lawrence College-Cornwall Campus Riv- er Room #3150 Overeaters anonymous Is food a problem for you? Do you eat when you’re not hungry? Do you binge, purge or restrict? Is your weight a#ecting your life? Meetings are held on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. at 780 Sydney Street, Cornwall. For more information, contact oa.aleta@ gmail.com or 613-363-4606 Tri-County Literacy Council The Tri-County Literacy Council is pleased to o#er a free 8-Week Re- tail Associate Training starting on Tuesday,September 2. Classes run Mon- day to Thursday 9 am to 12 pm. To regis- ter please call 613-932-7161. communautaire Le lien community link The CORNWALL | In the in!nite world of so- cial media, one Cornwall group stands out. Appropriately named Cornwall On- tario Pays it Forward and Random Acts of Kindness, the group is home to 519 likes and a whole lot of positive individuals. The popular group crossed into cyberspace in October 2012 and has, since then, helped out countless residents of Cornwall and the sur- roundings. The Pay it Forward Day (PIFD) is an international event aimed at inspiring acts of kindness all over the world. Karen Muise, an active member of the group, says she joined the group following several acts of kindness from total strangers
during her husband’s radiation and chemo- therapy treatments. “My husband had three heart attacks in
June of 2013 and was di- agnosed with cancer in August,” she explained. “He had to go through treatments of chemo- therapy and radiation. I didn’t and don’t drive, so my husband had to go
We are now doing a school book bag for the kids to go back to school Karen Muise
to Ottawa by himself while I stayed behind in Cornwall. I posted to Facebook and nu- merous people wanted to help me and take me to appointments and other things.” Muise, along with the group, now helps residents from every walk of life. “We have helped victims of house "res,” she said.
Le 27 octobre VOTEZ Jules Bourdon, B.A.; M.Éd.
Je me présente comme conseiller scolaire aux écoles publiques francophones pour représenter les résidents de Stormont, Dundas et Glengarry! Ce secteur comprend l'école élémentaire Terre des jeunes d'Alexandria et, à Cornwall, l'école secondaire L'Héritage et l'école élémentaire Rose des vents. Je suis présent et impliqué dans la communauté et je suis à l'écoute!
613-936-6794 chauvin.bourdon@gmail.com @JulesBourdon
Votre santé | Your health Profitez de l’analyse d’eau de puits gratuite!
Cornwall Hospital isn’t missing a beat
L’eau de votre puits est-elle potable? Le seul moyen d’en être sûr est de la faire analyser!
Le Bureau de santé de l’est de l’Ontario (BSEO) offre un service gratuit d’analyse d’eau aux foyers qui tirent leur eau d’un puits résidentiel. Même si votre eau est limpide et bonne au goût, cela ne veut pas dire qu’elle est potable. Les bactéries dans l’eau peuvent vous rendre très malade (jusqu’à nécessiter une hospitalisation) et pourraient même causer la mort. La bonne nouvelle est que vous pouvez faire analyser l’eau de votre puits facilement et gratuitement. Vous n’avez qu’à passer au bureau du BSEO le plus près de chez vous pour prendre et rapporter votre bouteille d’échantillonnage. L’analyse vérifiera la présence de bactéries indicatrices (E. coli et les coliformes totaux). Les résultats vous seront envoyés par la poste. La qualité de l’eau peut changer graduellement avec le temps ou se détériorer subitement. Ne vous imaginez pas que votre eau est potable parce qu’elle a la même apparence, le même goût ou la même odeur qu’auparavant. Faites-la analyser au moins trois fois par année, en particulier au début du printemps lorsque la neige fond et peut se déverser dans le puits. Une analyse régulière de l’eau de votre puits constitue le seul moyen de garantir la qualité et la sécurité de l’eau que vous buvez. Les résultats d’analyse vous permettent aussi de corriger des problèmes précis et d’éviter une contamination potentielle. Protégez votre santé en faisant analyser l’eau de votre puits dès aujourd’hui! Si vous souhaitez obtenir de plus amples renseignements sur l’analyse de l’eau de puits, communiquez avec le Bureau de santé de l’est de l’Ontario au 613-933-1375 ou au 1-800-267-7120 et demandez la ligne Appel-santé. Vous pouvez aussi visiter notre site Web à l’adresse www.bseo.ca. Take advantage of free well water testing! Is your well water safe to drink… or to wash your vegetables, brush your teeth or bathe in? The only way to find out is by having your well water tested! The Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) offers a free well water testing service to households that get their drinking water from a residential well. Your water may taste and look good, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s safe to drink. Bacteria in your water can make you very sick, lead to hospitalization and could even cause death. The good news is getting your well water tested is easy and free! You can pick up and drop off a water test bottle at the EOHU office nearest you. Your water will be tested for indicator bacteria (E. coli and total coliforms) and the results will be sent to you by mail. Water quality can change over time, or it can happen suddenly. Either way, you may not notice a change in look, taste or smell. That’s why your water should be tested at least three times a year, especially in early spring when melting snow may cause water run-off to enter your well. Testing your well water on a regular basis is the only way to ensure the quality and the safety of your drinking water. The test results help you to address specific problems and to avoid any potential contamination. Be safe; get your well water tested today! For more information on well water testing, contact the Eastern Ontario Health Unit at 613-933-1375 or 1-800-267-7120 and ask for Health Line. You can also visit our website at www.eohu.ca.
CORNWALL | The Cornwall Community Hospital (CCH) has leveraged its wire- less network capabilities to enhance the functionality of its telemetry , the process of sending electronic signals from one place to another. Telemetry is a powerful safety tool used to monitor a patient’s heart rate and rhythm via a portable unit attached to its chest and examined from a central nursing station monitor. The device itself is the size of a standard smartphone, with a display screen and "ve leads (wires) connected to "ve electrode patches that pick up signals from the heart before sending them directly to the monitor. The monitor then displays the electrical signal as a picture of your heart- beat. The new telemetry device shows the pa- tient’s heart rhythm right on the screen and is transported in a clear bag that is worn around the neck so it will not interfere with the usual routine and care provided dur- ing hospitalization. Doctors usually recom- mend using telemetry when a patient has arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), or to mon- itor how the heart responds to new medi- cation. One of the major advantages is that the most responsible nurse or physician can detect emergent medical issues before they become a problem. After going live at the end of May, the new system has already begun to show o# its many improvements. “The key,”said Mike
Kroon, manager of the Critical Care Unit (CCU), “is that we can obtain instant, real- time information with no breaks in data.” Having access to continuous monitoring allows healthcare providers to learn more about the patterns and irregularities of the most important organ in the body, while the remote capability ensures patients are not disturbed. The previous system re- quired patients to have their leads removed and reattached when moving around the hospital or when bathing. With the new waterproof, rechargeable battery-operated devices and boosted signal, there is an un- interrupted $ow of heart activity recording. A pulse oximeter, which did not come with the old devices, is now a feature that accompanies all cardiac patients. It mea- sures what percentage of hemoglobin (the protein in blood that carries oxygen) is in their bloodstream. This small device clamps on the end of the patient’s "nger and is use- ful in any setting where a patient’s oxygen saturation is unstable. All of the information provided from these devices will be com- patible with the hospital’s fully integrated technology solution initiative that allows physicians, clinicians, technologists, clerical and administrative users to instantly share data at the touch of a button. No longer do patients have to be admit- ted to the CCU to be monitored. With the expansion to 10 telemetry units, patients can be monitored anywhere in the hospital.
22 400 copies
625, ch Montréal, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 1C3 Tel.: 613 938-1433 • Fax.: 613 938-2798
Bertrand Castonguay , Président • President , bertrand@eap.on.ca Roger Duplantie , Directeur Général • General Manager , roger@eap.on.ca François Bélair , Directeur des ventes et développement • Sales and Development Manager , fbelair@eap.on.ca François Legault , Directeur de l’information/News Editor, francois.legault@eap.on.ca Thomas Stevens, Dir. de l’infographie et du prépresse • Layout & Prepress Mgr. thomas.stevens@eap.on.ca Publicité • Advertising : francois.belair@eap.on.ca Nouvelles / News: jcornwall@eap.on.ca Classées • Classified : lyse.emond@eap.on.ca Distribution : jcornwall@eap.on.ca
Publié tous les mercredis par • Published every Wednesdays by La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell 1100 Aberdeen, Hawkesbury (Ontario) K6A 3H1 Tel.: 613 632-4151 • Fax: 613 632-6122 1 800 267-0850 Total Distribution totale: 23 000 copies # convention: 0040012398 Toute reproduction du contenu est interdite à moins d’autorisation écrite au préalable. No content may be reproduced without prior written permission.
Caroline Kuate Gestionnaire de programmes, Salubrité de l’eau Bureau de santé de l’est de l’Ontario Program Manager, Safe Water Eastern Ontario Health Unit
Représentation nationale/National representation Sans frais / Toll free : 1-800-361-6890
Nous invitons les lecteurs à nous faire parvenir leurs lettres qui ne doivent pas dépasser 300 mots. Nous nous réservons le droit de les modifier ou de refuser de les publier. L’expéditeur doit inclure son nom, prénom, adresse et numéro de téléphone. Readers are invited to send us their letters that must not exceed 300 words. We reserve the right to modify them or to refuse to publish them. The writer must include their names, address and telephone number.
Code of ethics
Cornwall’s most rewarding hobby FRANCIS RACINE francis.racine@eap.on.ca
Although the metal detecting hobby seems to be lawless, Thompson outlines the strict importance of the metal de- tecting code of ethics. “When we leave a dig, we always make sure the area looks like it did before we arrived,” he says. “If not, the City might put in place by-laws that would a#ect our hobby and we sim- ply don’t want that.” The code of ethics includes several rules, such as preserva- tion of property, buildings and ghost towns, reporting any "nds deemed to be of historical importance and even the obligation of always "lling a hole, follow- ing an excavation. Williamstown and "nding it,” he explains con"dently. “If not, I want to stop at the mu- seum to see if they have one.” As he continues to scan the area with his sophisticated equipment, Thompson will without a doubt continue to "nd long lost objects frozen in time, allowing him to piece together some of the area’s past. CAMPBELL/AFIARA le samedi 18 octobre 2014 La réunion d’un clarinettiste de réputation internationale, d’un guitariste reconnu pour la diversité de ses styles et d’un quatuor lauréat de nombreuses distinctions vous procurera une expérience musicale inoubliable. Le mélange Campbell/ Afiara est vraiement extraordinaire! www.campbellafiara.com THE ELMER ISELER SINGERS le samedi 15 nov 2014 Ce chœur de chambre professionnel est un des ensembles les plus reconnus au Canada et s’est taillé un place enviable sur la scène internationale. Marqué par l’équilibre, la précision et la profondeur de la musicalité, ce célèbre ensemble vocal puise son répertoire dans une riche tradition musicale de plus de cinq siècles. www.elmereiselersingers.com SULTANS OF STRING le samedi 28 mars 2015 Une mosaïque de couleurs, de rythmes et de sons, passant du flamenco espagnol aux rythmes arabes, cubains et le jazz manouche! Toutes ces musiques offertes dans une ambiance chaleureuse et virtuose. Un rendez-vous incontournable! www.mckhool.wordpress.com BUZZ le samedi 18 avril 2015 Laissez-vous séduire par le quatuor de cuivre Buzz grâce à la diversité de sa musique, de ses performances électrisantes et de sa mise en scène relevée. Ce concert offre un répertoire sophistiqué et varié et le mélange de quatuor de cuivre avec piano and harpe vous promet une soirée riche en couleur. www.buzzcuivres.com/general/home SAISON 2014–2015 Prix special! ADULTES : 70$ jusqu’au 31 août www.CornwallConcertSeries.com
CORNWALL | Following Matthew Thomp- son up the stairs to his o"ce, it’s apparent that the young man is happy to share in- formation regarding his fascinating hob- by. Once in front of an elegant door, he pushes it open, revealing an impeccably organized o"ce. But what captures the attention is not the sturdy looking desk or the view from the second storey, but a simple hutch, converted into what ap- pears to be a museum showcase. In it, several coins, ranging from the late 18 th century to the early 20 th century, are ex- posed next to pocket watches, antique toy guns and even musket balls. All the items have one thing in common, however. They
Photos Francis Racine
private properties (with approval, of course) and even the underwater landscape. “It’s a really rewarding hobby,”he explains. “It’s also a great workout. On some digs, you can walk up to "ve kilometers.”Although he has always loved the idea of metal detect- ing, he only started three years ago. “I al- ways liked the idea of it, but it can become
the engraving: the silhouette of a woman’s face followed by a minuscule lion and the letter D . “These three symbols represent the Queen, where it originated, in England, and when it was made,” explains Thomp- son. “I’ve been told that not only is it worth a good amount, but that it retailed at $50 when it was "rst sold... meaning not every- one could get their hands on it.” But alas, there is a small detail that ren- ders the amateur archaeologist unhappy. Originally, the pen would’ve been sold along an inkwell. “I plan on going back to
very expensive,” he says. “I have met- al detectors that cost me more than $2,300. It’s a lot, but they both are water proof.” With that, he pulls out three plastic cases, each contain- ing several items. He sets the "rst one in front of him and opens it, reveal- ing several rings and coins. He then takes a small bag and empties the content on his desk. “These are my most precious rings,” he says. “I found them underwater, close to a marina. People tend to party on their boats and lose them overboard.” Thompson says that 90% of the jewelry he "nds is located underwater. As he’s asked what is his most prized "nd, Thomp- son, without think- ing twice, reaches back into the plastic container and re-
Although he’s only been metal detecting for three years, Mat- thew Thompson has collected quite a prestigious collection. Thanks to his technologically advanced tools, he’s been able to !nd items that would’ve otherwise been lost forever.
ABONNEMENTS DE LA SAISON • Banque TD Canada Trust, Cornwall Square • Caisse Populaire, 840, rue Pitt, Cornwall • Bureau de tourisme, 1-800-937-4748 691 ave Brookdale, salle E, Cornwall
veals what appears to be a thin silver stick. “This is a Sampson pencil I found while on a dig inWilliamstown,” he says with pride. “It’s from 1839 and, apart from a small gap, it’s in amazing shape.” As he runs his "ngers on it, one can clearly see the words SampsonMordan & CoMakers & Patentees engraved without imperfection on the side. What is even more interesting, however, are the three small icons following
were all retrieved from the Cornwall and area grounds. Thompson has a hobby that allows him to discover Cornwall’s rich heritage: time travel. But unlike Micheal J. Fox in the 1985 movie Back to the future, Thompson doesn’t use a Delorean converted into a time ma- chine by a mad professor. Instead, he uses state-of-the-art metal detecting tools to ex- plore anything from local municipal parks to
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Campus de l’université
Attention Avis/Notice
Carleton à Cornwall Selon le maire Bob Kilger, Cornwall pourrait bientôt accueillir un campus de l’Université Carleton. L’institution voudrait établir plusieurs classes dans le Centre Nav, notamment des cours de gestion d’a#aires. L’issue d’une rencontre, ayant eu lieu en juin dernier entre M. Kil- ger, le chef Mohawk Michael Mitchell, le maire de North Dundas et président des Comtés unis, Eric Duncan, ainsi que plu- sieurs conseillers principaux de l’Univer- sité Carleton, aurait donc été favorable. Démolition du pont d’ici la fin du mois Selon la Société des ponts fédéraux Limitée (SPFL), les travaux de démolition de l’ancien pont commenceront d’ici la "n du mois. On commencera par enlever la chaussée de la structure. On s’attardera ensuite aux nombreux cadres de soutien. Finalement, on démolira les piliers. Lors de la réunion du conseil municipal du 11 août dernier, le conseiller Denis Carr a déclaré vouloir transformer la nouvelle entrée de la ville lorsqu’on arrive des États-Unis. Glenn Hewus, représentant de la SPFL, a expliqué que des fonds du gouvernement fédéral pourraient être alloués à un tel projet.
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Threats and breach Carmel Roseler, 27, was arrested on August 8 and charged with threats to life and breach of two probation orders for failing to keep the peace. It is alleged that on August 7, the woman threatened to choke a sta# member of the Cornwall Community Hospital. Assault A 53-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on August 8 and charged with assault. It is al- leged that on August 8, during an argument with his 53-year-old common-law wife, the man pushed her and struck her on her arm. Assault and sexual assault A 50-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on August 8 and charged with assault and sexual assault. It is alleged that on August 1, the man assaulted and sexually assaulted a 46-year-old woman known to him. Assault, threats and breach A 24-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on August 9 and charged with threats, assault and breach of recognizance for failing to keep the peace. It is alleged that on August 9, during an argument, the man threatened to break the jaw of his 21-year-old girlfriend and spat in her face. Breach Alexander Lemont, 20, of Cornwall, was arrested on August 10 and charged with breach- ing his recognizance for being out past curfew, having consumed alcohol, not residing at a speci"ed address and failing to keep the peace. He was also charged with breaching his probation order for failing to notify a change of address and failing to keep the peace. It is alleged that in the early morning hours of August 10, police were called to a Victoria Street address in relation to a suspicious person call. On arrival, police found the intoxicated man breaching his conditions. Andrew Cook, 53, of Cornwall, was arrested on August 11 and charged with breaching his recognizance for having consumed alcohol. It is alleged that in the early morning hours
ed on August 12 on the strength of a warrant. It is alleged that the youth was breaching his probation order and a probation o!ce warrant was issued. On August 12, the youth was located at the Cornwall Square and taken into custody. Assault with a weapon, dangerous driving Michael Andre, 38, of Cornwall, was arrested on August 10 and charged with two counts of assault with a weapon and dangerous driving. It is alleged that on August 10, while at a parking lot on McConnell Avenue, the man rammed a 39-year-oldman’s car then struck the 39-year-old in the hand with a pipe. Breach and resisting arrest A 25-year-old Cornwall woman was arrested on August 10 and charged with breaching her recognizance for associating with someone she has conditions not to and resisting ar- rest. It is alleged that on August 10, while in the Brookdale Mall parking lot, a member of the Cornwall Community Police Service spotted the woman breaching her conditions. A brief foot chase ensued and after a brief struggle, the woman was taken into custody. Threats Robert Parker, 49, of Alexandria, was arrested on August 10 and charged with threats to life. It is alleged that on August 8, while in Cornwall, the man made a gesture towards a 47-year-old Long Sault man that was known to him and threatened to kill him. Possession Simon Dupuis, 40, of Cornwall, was arrested on August 11 for multiple drug-related charges. Dangerous operation of a motor vehicle Matthew Picano, 20, of Morrisburg, was arrested on August 11 and charged with danger- ous operation of a motor vehicle and $ight from police. It is alleged that on August 10, the man was operating a motor vehicle in a dangerous manner as he travelled through the Brookdale Mall parking lot. The man also failed to stop when police attempted to conduct a tra!c stop.
of August 11, during a tra!c stop, the man was found to be breaching his recognizance as he was under the in$uence of alcohol. A 15-year-old and a 17-year-old youth, both from Cornwall, were arrested on Au- gust 11 and charged with several breach- es. It is alleged that on August 8, the two youths left their residence without permis- sion and police were contacted. A 42-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on August 13 and charged with breaching his probation order for communicating with someone that he has conditions not to and for failing to keep the peace. It is al- leged that on August 13, police were called to attend the 200 Pitt Street in relation to a disturbance. Once in the area police found the man to be arguing with his 29-year-old girlfriend and breaching his conditions by being in her company. Chance Lafave-Benedict, 30, of Cornwall, was arrested on August 14 and charged with breaching his undertaking for being out past curfew and failing to keep the peace. It is alleged that during a tra!c stop in the early morning hours of August 14, the man was found to be out past curfew. Warrant Ginette Compeau, 48, of Cornwall, was arrested on August 10 on the strength of a warrant. It is alleged that on September 12, 2011, the woman failed to attend court for an assault with a weapon charge and a war- rant was issued for her arrest.
Our Catholic schools always welcome new student registrations. For more information on current programs, and how to register, please visit www.cdsbeo.on.ca or call 1-800-443-4562 . School begins Tuesday, September 2 Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario
Our programs include: • Catholic values and virtue education • Immersion and extended French programs • Full-day Kindergarten at all elementary locations • Before & after school programs at selected sites • Engaging extracurricular activities/sports programs • Specialized secondary learning opportunities
Get the latest info! www.facebook.com/CDSBEO @cdsbeo youtube.com/CDSBEOVideo
A 16-year-old Cornwall youth was arrest-
32.Superiors 38.Dispose of 39.Tearful 40.“____ She Sweet?” 42.Border 43.Links warning 44.“Star ____” 45.Rested 46.____ out (supplement) 47.Stir
question? 11.Just bought 20.Determine 22.Antenna 23.Pans
Vegetable stir-fry with tofu Colorful and tasty, this stir-fry is cooked in the microwave and ready in less than 20 minutes. INGREDIENTS: • 60 ml (1/4 cup) oil • Blanched whole almonds • 240 g (8 oz) tofu • 4 spears broccoli • 120 g (4 oz) pea pods • 120 g (4 oz) bean sprouts • 120 g (4 oz) baby corn-on-the-cob • 1 red pepper, sliced • 125 ml (4 oz) water chestnuts, sliced • 1 clove garlic, minced • 125 ml (1/2 cup) vegetable stock
Week of August 17 to 23, 2014
24.Stench 25.Evens’
ARIES You think about selling or buying a property.You find housing that is less costly, which considerably improves the entire family’s quality of life. TAURUS You take the time to spoil yourself and perhaps envisage buying a new car as well. You respond to a re- quest for help, which requires you to do a lot more travelling than usual. GEMINI By making a few calculations you may realize that you can afford your ambitions. You find the neces- sary funds to realize one of your biggest dreams. CANCER You may feel a little discouraged by the scale of the job at hand. But as you progress, you realize that you have the makings of a winner. LEO Take a step back in order to gain a better perspective on a situation. On a professional level, allow your- self to hope for something closer to your convictions. VIRGO Your vacation is barely over but you’re already thinking about your next trip with a group of friends. You might have to organize a meet- ing at the office which gathers to- gether a lot of people. LIBRA You feel a sudden urge for advan- cement, especially on an intellectual level. This spontaneous inclination leads you to consider undertaking a new career. SCORPION After a short period of reflection, you make some important deci- sions regarding your personal or professional future. A business trip could be organized fairly quickly. SAGITTARIUS The ideal compromise does not always exist, especially when there are several people involved. You need to use your imagination to cre- ate more harmony around you. CAPRICORN A series of small successes is sure to enhance your self-esteem. This is also what gives you the credibi- lity to promote a project that is dear to your heart. AQUARIUS You set up a home office that is ex- tremely functional and where you are inspired to work. Your manage- ment talents are beginning to sur- face and you make plans to start your own business. PISCES Love occupies most of your thoughts. A subtle exchange of affection helps you see that the feelings are mutual.
26.From a
distance 27.Sticky stuff 28.Lime skin 30.Antique
ACROSS 1. Trade 5. Physique, shortly
matter 54.Undercover man 55.Humbly docile
29.Resounded 31.Aviators 33.Counted calories 34.Mommy’s sister 35.Round objects 36.Crimson or cerise 37.Reply 40.Wonderland girl 41.Abandoned 45.18-wheeler 48.Mine material 49.Smell 50.Like 51.Emulate Ice-T 52.Fairy-tale giant 53.Printed
8. Grass 12.Nero’s
garment 13.Act like 14.Feel sore 15.Happily ____ after 16.Gun, as an engine 17.Kitten sound 18.Flat-topped hill 19.Wear down 21.Martial art 23.Not amateur 26.Give consent
DOWN 1. Flower
support 2. Knitted 3. Epochs 4. Pet bird 5. More exposed 6. Sung drama 7. Loyal 8. Feeble, as an excuse 9. Smashing serve 10.Owl’s
• 30 ml (2 tbsp) cornstarch • 60 ml (4 tbsp) soy sauce • Dash sherry • Dash sesame oil • Salt and pepper • 4 green onions, sliced
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DIRECTIONS: Heat a browning dish for 5 minutes in the microwave, on high. Add the oil and fry the almonds for 5 minutes, stirring often to brown evenly. Remove the almonds from the dish and set them aside. Cut out the broccoli flowerets and reserve. Slice the stalks diagonally. If the corn cobs are large, cut in half lenghtwise. Cook the broccoli and the corn together for 1 minute on high. Add the garlic, red pepper, pea pods, water chestnuts and the broccoli flowerets. Mix the soy sauce, sesame oil, sherry, stock, and cornstarch together. Pour over the vegetables and cook 1 minute on high. Add the bean sprouts, almonds, green onions and the tofu, cut in small cubes. Cook 30 seconds on high. Serve immediately.
HOW TO PLAY : Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box.
Recipe and photo: The Complete Microwave Cookbook, Judith Ferguson, Collins Royal.
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