
Helping out their fellow Cornwall citizens  gŏđŏ

“We have furnished about 10 homes and it is continuing. We are now doing a school book bag for the kids to go back to school.” The idea to help fellow residents seems to even have rubbed o# her son, who takes apart bicycles and rebuilds them to give to other kids who can’t a#ord one. The group’s Facebook page claims that its mission statement is to “spread good will and acts of kindness to your fellow man/ woman. It’s to spread the word of any char- ity in need of help and to spread the word of anyone in need of help, may it be man, woman, child or animal.” Examples of what members might do for their fellow Cornwallian neighbors are as follows: pay for someone else’s cup of cof- fee, get the next person’s food, toll, gas, help someone in need and many more. All in all, the Pay it Forward initiative in Cornwall has but one goal: spreading good deeds in the city. Miracle Treat Day A long-awaited event titled Miracle Treat Day and held on August 14 at the Cornwall Dairy Queen, raised quite a lot of support

from the local group, with several calls for people to attend being made a week before the event. According to the o!cial Dairy Queen website, $1 or more from every Bliz- zard purchased was donated to local Chil- dren’s Miracle Network Hospitals to help children in need.


Centre Charles-Émile Claude Dansez en ligne avec Gloria Boisvert tous les lundis de 13 h 30 à 15 h 30 dans la grande salle climatisée du CCÉC. Le CCÉC vous invite au BINGO tous les lun- dis à 18h. Jouez aux $échettes les mardis à 13h30. Smart City Toastmasters Club Smart City Toastmasters Club o#ers the opportunity to learn communica- tion skills and provides practical leader- ship experience in a positive environ- ment. Meetings are on the "rst and third Wednesdays of each month at the St. Lawrence College-Cornwall Campus Riv- er Room #3150 Overeaters anonymous Is food a problem for you? Do you eat when you’re not hungry? Do you binge, purge or restrict? Is your weight a#ecting your life? Meetings are held on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. at 780 Sydney Street, Cornwall. For more information, contact oa.aleta@ or 613-363-4606 Tri-County Literacy Council The Tri-County Literacy Council is pleased to o#er a free 8-Week Re- tail Associate Training starting on Tuesday,September 2. Classes run Mon- day to Thursday 9 am to 12 pm. To regis- ter please call 613-932-7161. communautaire Le lien community link The CORNWALL | In the in!nite world of so- cial media, one Cornwall group stands out. Appropriately named Cornwall On- tario Pays it Forward and Random Acts of Kindness, the group is home to 519 likes and a whole lot of positive individuals. The popular group crossed into cyberspace in October 2012 and has, since then, helped out countless residents of Cornwall and the sur- roundings. The Pay it Forward Day (PIFD) is an international event aimed at inspiring acts of kindness all over the world. Karen Muise, an active member of the group, says she joined the group following several acts of kindness from total strangers

during her husband’s radiation and chemo- therapy treatments. “My husband had three heart attacks in

June of 2013 and was di- agnosed with cancer in August,” she explained. “He had to go through treatments of chemo- therapy and radiation. I didn’t and don’t drive, so my husband had to go

We are now doing a school book bag for the kids to go back to school Karen Muise

to Ottawa by himself while I stayed behind in Cornwall. I posted to Facebook and nu- merous people wanted to help me and take me to appointments and other things.” Muise, along with the group, now helps residents from every walk of life. “We have helped victims of house "res,” she said.

Le 27 octobre VOTEZ Jules Bourdon, B.A.; M.Éd.

Je me présente comme conseiller scolaire aux écoles publiques francophones pour représenter les résidents de Stormont, Dundas et Glengarry! Ce secteur comprend l'école élémentaire Terre des jeunes d'Alexandria et, à Cornwall, l'école secondaire L'Héritage et l'école élémentaire Rose des vents. Je suis présent et impliqué dans la communauté et je suis à l'écoute!

613-936-6794 @JulesBourdon

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