
26 1987-2013

Our Computerized Numeric Controlled automatic equipment ensures cabinet parts made to the thousanth of an inch, giving us total accuracy and assembly fit. At the case clamp, units are glued and press-fit together, resulting in absolute squarness of kitchen cabinet units. Our Computerized Numeric Controlled automatic equipment ensures cabinet parts made to the thousandth of an inch, giving us total accuracy and assembly fit. At the case clamp, units are glued and press-fit together, resulting in absolute squareness of kitchen cabinet units.

&HQWUDOO\ORFDWHGWRVXSSO\(DVWHUQ2QWDULR¶VFRQVWUXFWLRQLQGXVWU\DQGKRPHRZQHUVDOLNHVLQFH:LWK KLJKHQGFXVWRPEXLOWNLWFKHQFDELQHWU\DQGEDWKURRPYDQLWLHVLQ\RXUFKRLFHRIWKHUPRIRLOFRORXUVRUZRRG VSHFLHV:HDOVRRIIHUDODUJHYDULHW\RIODPLQDWHJUDQLWHDQG&RULDQ Š FRXQWHUWRSV6RSXW\HDUVRIH[SHULHQFH DQGWKHH[SHUWLVHRIRXUTXDOL¿HGVWDIIRIFDELQHWPDNHUVGHVLJQHUVDQGLQVWDOOHUVDW\RXUVHUYLFH Centrally located to supply Eastern Ontario’s construction industry and home owners alike, since 1987. With high-end custom-built kitchen cabinetry and bathroom vanities in your choice of thermofoil colours or wood species. We also offer a large variety of laminate, granite and Corian® countertops. So put years of experi- ence and the expertiste of our qualified staff of cabinetmakers, designers, and installers at your service.

R ESIDENTIAL & C OMMERCIAL In-Shop Custom-Made Kitchens To Meet Your Exact Specifications Visit our shoroom for a FREE estimate Y By Appointment Preferred Z 0F/HDQ5G0RRVH&UHHN21  ZZZODIRUJXHVNLWFKHQVFD



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