

or situations too difficult to maintain social distancing and other public health safety demands. These include: amusement parks and water parks, buffet-style food services, over- night stays at camps for children, private karaoke rooms, operation of commercial saunas, steam rooms, bath houses, and oxygen bars, and table games at casinos and gaming rooms. Also dancing is not allowed yet at restaurants, bars, and nightclubs, unless it involves professional dancers hired to entertain on-stage. Most contact sports may not be allowed yet under Stage Three. More details on the Stage Three guide- lines are at The &BTUFSO0OUBSJP)FBMUI6OJUJTBMTPSFWJFXJOH the government guidelines and will provide its own detailed information on its website on how Stage Three will work in the region.

The third stage includes an increase in the size of public gatherings allowed, from up to 50 for indoors and up to a maximum of 100 for outdoor events. That means indoor dining at restaurants may be possible, but social distancing between tables and other public health pandemic guidelines will still apply. More childcare The third stage also includes an increase in the number of children that municipal and large-scale private childcare centres are able to accept. Starting July 27 the maximum of children allowed at large-scale daycare increases from 10 to 15, provided the centre is able to maintain public health safety needs for the children. Some businesses and activities will still not be allowed yet under Stage Three because of the risk of crowd sizes too large

Eastern Ontario will be part of the third stage now of Phase Two of the provincial economic restart plan to guide Ontario’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Larger gatherings of people will be allowed under the new guidelines, which will help local businesses as people will have more opportunities to get out and enjoy summer recreation after being homebound throughout spring. That includes indoor dining at restaurants which can manage the demand for social distancing between tables. —stock photo


actions can make a big difference, and now, more than ever, we must continue to follow the public health advice to preserve the progress we have made together.” Eastern Ontario opens up Stage Three will follow a region-by-region schedule similar to that for the previous 1IBTF5XPTUBHFT&BDISFHJPOJTBTTFTTFE for its success in containing the spread of COVID-19. That success includes following the demands of regional public health units for use of masks in public, social distancing, self-isolation of anyone who tests posi- tive for the virus, and other public health precautions. 5IF&BTUFSO0OUBSJPSFHJPO XIJDIJODMVEFT the Ottawa, Leeds, Grenville and Lanark, 3FOGSFX$PVOUZBOE%JTUSJDU BOEUIF&BTUFSO Ontario health units, will be one of the first regions allowed to move on to Stage Three and the more relaxed guidelines for business operations and community activities. That takes place midnight July 17. and in children’s wading pools. Anyone with an outdoor pool should make sure the pool water circulation pump is working and the water receives chlorine treatment to make it unsuitable for mosquito habitat. Any wading pools not in use should be emptied out and turned upside down. &NQUZPVUUJSFTUIBUNBZDPOUBJOSBJOXBUFS and check eavestroughs and flat roofs of buildings for any standing water. Apply a bacterial insecticide to water in drainage ditches to deal with any possible mosquito larvae. Regular yard work like short-cut lawns and trimming of dense shrubbery will help eliminate resting areas for mosquitoes. If the garden has a compost pile, make sure it is turned over on a regular basis. Anyone who is outdoors for extended periods should wear light-coloured long-slee- ved shirts and pants, along with shoes and socks, and a cap or hat. Use insect repellent. If sleeping outdoors, use mosquito netting. More information on reducing the risk of 8FTU/JMFWJSVTJTBWBJMBCMFBUXXXFPIVDB

Eastern Ontario will be part of the first step of the third stage of Phase Two of Ontario’s economic recovery plan from the COVID-19 pandemic. Premier Doug Ford announced the launch of the third part of Phase Two of the provin- cial economic restart plan July 13. Stage Three will operate on a region-by-region basis guided by the success of local regional health units in controlling the spread of COVID-19. “Our success in reducing the spread of COVID-19 and getting Ontario to a place where we are ready to reopen most of the province is a testament to the hard work of business owners, individuals and families right across the province,” stated Premier Ford during a provincial media session. “So many have stepped up and played by the rules, demonstrating that we can restart our economy safely and responsibly. Small

JULY 23 AT 11 AM

WEST NILE VIRUS SEASON WARNING EAP NEWSROOM Mosquitoes are buzzing around outside now so residents need to be careful to avoid the chance of West Nile virus. 5IF&BTUFSO0OUBSJP)FBMUI6OJU &0)6  has begun its annual monitoring program for UIFQSFTFODFPG8FTU/JMFWJSVTJODFSUBJO species of mosquito that can carry the virus and pass it on to humans or animals through their bite. j8FTU/JMFWJSVTJTBDPODFSOJOPVSBSFB v TUBUFE%S1BVM3PVNFMJPUJT &0)6DIJFG medical health officer, «and people should be aware and take the necessary precautions to protect themselves and their families from mosquito bites when they spend time PVUEPPSTv )PNFPXOFSTDBOSFEVDFUIFTQSFBEPG 8FTU/JMFWJSVTCZ SFNPWJOHBMMQPTTJCMF sources of standing water around their grounds that can serve as mosquito-breeding sites. That includes regularly changing the water in bird baths and animal water bowls,

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