Welcome to DUCKS An introduction for parents 2021

Key Stage 1 Teaching and Learning

Specialist Teaching English as additional language (EAL)

Our Learning Support teachers work closely with the rest of the staff to give extra support to children for whom English is not their only language. Forest School Each child in DUCKS will visit our Forest School regularly where our fully trained practitioners nurture child led exploration and discovery. Forest School ethos further expands our aim to nurture a culture based on collaboration where children embrace challenges that lead to development of resilience and empathy, alongside a greater connection with nature. Forest school aims to promote the holistic development of all learners involved, encouraging independence, resilience, confidence and creativity in learning. The sessions aim to develop cognitive, social, emotional, physical, linguistic and spiritual aspects of learning and development. These can happen through small achievable tasks that can be scaffolded by the forest school leader allowing individuals to succeed and personalities, experiences, imaginations and creativity to flourish. Learning Support The Infants’ School has a Learning Support Co-ordinator, providing specialised individual and small group lessons. This role also covers supporting English as an Additional Language (EAL). In addition we have a part time specialist teacher who also works with individuals and groups, focusing on Literacy skills Library The Infants’ School has an up to date, purpose-built, well-stocked Library. The children make use of the Library on a regular basis to support all areas of the curriculum. They also select and borrow books on a regular basis and enjoy the library facilities in a quiet and appropriate manner. Modern Foreign Language At DUCKS we aim to create a good foundation of how to listen to and speak modern foreign languages and to teach the initial skills for language learning through French lessons. Our aim is to encourage children to approach learning new languages and exploring different cultures with interest and enthusiasm. Throughout Key Stage 1, the emphasis is on the spoken word and activities include singing, games, role-play and stories. Music The children are encouraged to listen carefully and respond to a wide range of music. They will play musical instruments and sing a variety of songs from memory, working with increasing confidence, imagination and control. In Year 2, a half class recorder lesson is incorporated into their Music curriculum. We have a School String Orchestra which meets weekly and performs regularly. It is joined by recorders and percussion at some church services. There are regular music concerts where children who learn an instrument, both in or out of school, are invited to perform to parents.


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