conversation also takes place in each seminar and listening class, as facilitators/ lecturers convey their lectures in the target language and discuss and debate with students in the target language. Therefore, oral component is constantly reinforced through conversations, debates, presentations, etc. • The DMLL agrees to design more language courses for professions. This is why there is a Programme: Spanish with Tourism Management currently under development. The Department expects to send it to FAQAC during first semester AY 2023–2024. • Regarding the possibility to have larger offices, the DMLL believes it is not a realistic option. Computers were already ordered in February 2022, but DMLL has not received them yet. We are unaware at this point what is the limitation. • Regarding the payments of Book and Travel Grants, DMLL would like to high- light that the matter has to be addressed by Bursary as the HoD responds to staff application in a timely manner. • Regarding Staff Contracts, DMLL states that contracts must be signed in a timely manner so that staff and adjunct staff can log on the learning platforms without relying on credentials from other staff members and to facilitate the timely payment of salaries of adjuncts and other non-tenure staff. Submissions for VMC are sent in a timely manner and thus, the matter needs to be addressed by Human Resources (HR). • Adjuncts and non-tenure positions have always been invited to Departmental meetings. • The portfolio and division of tasks for the administrative staff was reviewed before current academic year. The tasks have been reviewed as a new secretarial position has been filled. • DMLL academic staff was unaware of inter-relationship issues affecting stu- dents’ performance. • DMLL never stopped relationships with Spanish Embassy or other Embassies. In fact, DMLL benefits from a Spanish instructor with the AECID programme and our aim is to continue this relationship. DMLL also joins forces with Alliance Française when required. DMLL is not aware of why the review team singled out these TWO organizations/institutions leaving out many other embassies from Latin American Countries or Francophone ones as well as other cultural centres. During the current AY the HoD has been meeting with Ambassadors and Representatives from Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Dominican Republic, France and Spain to strengthen the collaboration. • Our vision statement will include a sentence addressing specifically diversity and gender justice. However, we wanted to point out that the DMLL mission statement already included diversity, equity and inclusion.
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