• Reading of the books Aunt Jen and Letters Home in Waterstones, UK, on Octo- ber 17, 2022. • Guest Speaker at Fioretti Trust, in St. Francis Primary school and in Edrington Public Library, UK, on October 17, 2022. • Reading at the University of Leicester, School of Arts. • “Readings by The Chapel Lawns”, Aunt Jen , Caribbean Contemporary Classic, on April 27, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. • Read across Jamaica Day 2023, May 9 th , Aunt Jen, on YouTube by Jamaica Library Service. • Keynote Address at the launch of Dr. Doreen Gordon’s book Blackness and Social Mobility in Brazil: Contemporary Transformations , published by Palgrave McMillan publishers. Maite Villoria • Invited Lecture at the UNEAC, Guantánamo, Cuba, “Barcelona en la narrativa de González Ledesma” on May 21, 2023. • Invited Lecture at the University of Guantánamo, Cuba, “The (re)conceptual- ization of the criminal subaltern in Colombian narrative and its presence in current cinema” on May 22, 2023. • Invited Lecture during the International Erasmus Week at the University of Valladolid, Spain. Title of the presentation: “Virtual intercultural exchange”. The International Week aims to share internationalization practices among researchers on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition. May 30, 2023. PUBLIC SERVICE AND SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES − Dr. Françoise Cévaër acted as Jury for the interviews for the “poste d’assistant” in France, programme organized by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the French Embassy in Kingston. − Dr. Françoise Cévaër acted as internal examiner for PhD. Oral examination held on Monday April 24, 2023. Name of candidate: Ms. Carla Bascombe Candidate for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in French (St Augustine). Title of Thesis:”Fac[ing] The Pages”: Rescripting The Haitian Problematic in The Prose Of Évelyne And Lyonel Trouillot”. − Dr. Françoise Cévaër was awarded with the Principal Research Award 2020–2021 (offered this year 2022–2023). − Dr. Françoise Cévaër Assisted Hillel Academy Grade 11 French Students to prepare for the upcoming IGSVE French external oral exams.
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