The UWI Mona Campus' Annual Departmental Reports 2022_2023



− Dr. Tamara de Inés Antón collaborated with Museums Association of the Caribbean to create the English subtitles for a 40-minutes video recording for their virtual programme “Women, Power and Museums”. − Dr. Tamara de Inés Antón acted as Moderator TIA’s Inaugural Colloquium “Translating and Interpreting (In) the Caribbean: Current Trends and Future Prospects. September 30, 2022. − Dr. Maite Villoria Nolla acted as Jury to short list the candidates applying for the CLL Director Position at the UWI, St. Augustine Campus. − Dr. Maite Villoria Nolla is Assistant Editor for Production for Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies. − Dr. Maite Villoria Nolla visited the Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba, where the MOU was signed between both Universities. She also met with the editor and director of the Journal Edusol at the University of Guantánamo to collab- orate with the editing of the Academic Journal and increase impact. This is an effort to increase publications and visibility. − Dr. Maite Villoria Nolla attended the workshop: “Internationalization Week” at the University of Valladolid, Spain. The workshop was attended by international scholars who shared their practices on internationalization.


INCOME GENERATION • A course was taught to staff at Nestle Ltd. Beginners Spanish for Business. The course was taught by DMLL adjunct staff. • Lunch Hour Courses over both semesters which included Beginner’s Chinese taught to a group of Faculty of Science of Technology Staff, Beginner’s and Intermediate Spanish taught to UWI staff. • Translation services were also offered during this academic year. • Translation Authentication service • Interpretation services face-to-face. Spanish<>English for the Training Pro- gramme on Evaluation delivered by the National council for the Evaluation of Social Development (CONEVAL) within the framework of collaboration with the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) on October 11–12, 2022. • Language Training Services for the Jamaica National (JN) Group of Companies. Spanish, French and Mandarin classes in July to September.

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