The UWI Mona Campus' Annual Departmental Reports 2022_2023



PROPOSAL FOR INTERPRETATION SERVICES EQUIPMENT Translation and Interpretation Services. Proposal to buy interpretation equip- ment. The interpretation equipment can be offered as a rental service to generate income for the University. In this growing market, the Department already offers interpreters and would be more competitive if it were to have interpretation equip- ment as well. Students pursuing undergraduates’ programmes at the FHE (DMLL and LLP in particular) can also benefit, as possibilities of an undergraduate programme in Translation and Interpretation could be explored by DMLL and LLP at Mona and in collaboration with sister campuses under the multi campus teaching. Currently, the DMLL only offers the M.A. in Translation programme but the acquisition of adequate equipment for interpretation training will also offer the opportunity to pursue a M.A. in Translation and Interpretation.

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