Research Grants: • Badal Simone. NIH, Fogarty International Centre Emerging Global Leader Award, “Novel Prostate Cancer Cell Lines to Address Prostate Cancer Disparity in Black Men.” 520,000 USD . Principal Investigator. 2020–2025. • Badal Simone. Pfizer, “Cancer Genome Cohort to promote health equity among patients of African ancestry: Characterization of genetic and molecular drivers.” 88,000 USD . Principal Investigator. 2023–2025. • Badal Simone. PCCTC, “Registry for Black men with advanced prostate cancer,” The International Registry in Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer (IRON- MAN).” 50,000 USD . Principal Investigator. 2022–2027. Each patient recruited generates 2,100 USD for the project allowing it to be sustainable. • Badal Simone. Chan-Zuckerberg, “The African Caribbean scNetwork,” 26, 220 USD. Principal Investigator. 2023–2025. VISITORS TO THE DEPARTMENT Professor Kathleen Norman from the Queens University, Ontario, Canada visited in November 2022 and February 2023 for partnership building, collaborative teach- ing, and research collaboration with the Section of Physical Therapy. These visits generated several initiatives: combined virtual classes between Mona and Queen’s University, seminars and virtual workshops (under the Theme: Best practices in Physical Therapy Education), Research collaboration, curriculum development. Dr. Jeffrey Hartman from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA visited for 3 days in May 2023 to explore opportunities for collaboration. Dr. David Anekwe from the University of British Columbia, Canada: The External Examiner for the Final Professional Examination held in July 2023. He was a guest of the Section from June 30 to July 14, 2023. CONDOLENCE The Department of Basic Medical Sciences regrets to announce the passing of Ms. Chantal Marriott, Senior Laboratory Technologist in the Biochemistry Section. Ms. Marriott passed away on Sunday, July 23, 2023.
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