The UWI Mona Campus' Annual Departmental Reports 2022_2023



not read or watch recordings or did not engage sufficiently with course materials to benefit from them. Student evaluations of teaching were unavailable for Semester 1; however, the average rating given for Semester 2 was 4 out of 5 for the Department. The Department also received positive feedback on the following activities that were hosted for both undergraduate and graduate students’ development: 1. LOUD Linguistics Club empowerment sessions, including sessions on mental wellness. 2. Guest Presentations in courses: Students benefitted from advisory and moti- vational interactive sessions with special invited guests with specific relevant expertise in the subject matter, as well as with students who had formerly pursued the courses or who were pursuing the courses. a. LING3909: Panel Discussion on the Practice of Interpreting – organised by the lecturer, Ms. Sandra Hamilton, and held in March 2023 for students to meet and learn from practicing interpreters and translators from various countries and language backgrounds. b. FOUN1016: i) Blair Santos – “The FOUN1016 Experience in Retrospect: Motivation for New Students” (October 2022); ii) Jamilia Morgan – “My Experience Writing the Collaborative Essay” (October 2022); and iii) Sheri- Gaye Johnson – “Planning and Delivering the Collaborative Presentation” (November 2022) c. FOUN1014: Abishua Johnson – “Ways in which FOUN1014 was beneficial to personal and professional development as a student; applicability to other courses” (Jan. 2023) d. LANG3001: i) Professor Tanya Haye, Lecturer, Communications Depart- ment, Faculty of Language, Literature & Performing Arts, Douglas College, British Columbia (Nov. 2022); ii) Mrs. Annette Robotham, President, College of Insurance & Professional Studies (CIPS) Communicators Toastmasters Club, Kingston (Nov. 2022); and iii) Dr. Robynne Chutkan – Host of PBS Special ‘Gutbliss’, TED talk presenter “Why the Microbiome is the Future of Medicine” and Washington DC-based Gastroenterologist (Apr. 2023). 3. The Linguistics Section’s annual Undergraduate Research Conference, held on April 20, 2023 under the theme “60 Years of the King’s English: The Jamaican Speech Community and Beyond”: Undergraduate students presented on selected topics from Linguistics courses they had taken and research they had done as part of their course requirements. The event was successfully organized by stu- dents of the Postgraduate Linguistics Workshop course LING6611: Workshop Series on Professionalism in Linguistics . 4. Philosophy Public Lecture entitled “African Philosophy and Cultural History of Ideas,” delivered online by Professor Edwin Etieyibo (University of Witwa- tersrand in South Africa & Adjunct Professor at University of Alberta, Canada) to over 84 participants on April 5, 2023.

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