• Dr. Joseph T. Farquharson: “Questioning Language and Knowledge: The Chal- lenge to Creole-speaking Communities.” Virtual talk for Bonington Gallery in the UK to mark Cedar Lewisohn’s solo exhibition called “Patois Banton,” April 5, 2023. • Dr. Joseph T. Farquharson: “Language contact, word-formation, and the evo- lution of an urban register: The case of Toronto slang.” Virtual presentation in the Colóquio de investigación lingüística, Universidad de Sonora, Mexico, May 5, 2023. 13 slides. • Dr. Joseph T. Farquharson: “From possessive noun phrase to interjection: Mapping a lexification network in an English-related Creole.” Paper presented at the 24th Biennial meeting of the Dictionary Society of North America, held in Boulder, Colorado, May 31–June 3, 2023. 10 slides. • Dr. Joseph T. Farquharson: “Language contact and issues for the lexicography of English and English-related varieties.” Paper presented at the 7th Interna- tional Symposium on the History of English Lexicography and Lexicology, held online and hosted jointly by the Jamaican Language Unit (JLU) at The University of the West Indies, Mona, and the Richard and Jeannette Allsopp Centre for Caribbean Lexicography at The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, June 7–8, 2023. 11 slides. • Mr. George McCaulsky: “Queering the Jamaican Language/Writing Classroom: Perspectives and Possibilities.” Paper presented at the 29th annual Lavender Languages and Linguistics Conference held at the University of Idaho at Boise, Idaho, USA, March 10, 2023. 14 slides. • Dr. Trecel Messam: “Effects of the Second Language on the First: An Exam- ination of Stability in Attrition after 10 Years.” Paper presented at the Winter Meeting of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics, held virtually, January 13, 2023. 32 slides. • Dr. Vivette Milson-Whyte: “Audacious/Persistent Hope: Intersections in Language Advocacy.” Paper presented in an online on-demand session of the Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication held in Chicago, Illinois, February 15–18, 2023. 19pp. • Dr. Vivette Milson-Whyte and Mr. Annife Campbell : “Writing’s Worth: A Critical Reflection from Academic Writing Scholars and Teachers associated with the Anglophone Caribbean.” Paper presented in hybrid* format at the sixth triennial Writing Research Across Borders (WRAB VI) Conference held at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, February 18–22, 2023. *Dr. Milson-Whyte presented online while Mr. Campbell was in-person. 27 slides. • Ms. Sandra Minott: “Of COVID-19 and BMA Genomes in Bilingual Sentence Strands: A Mathematical Iteration Towards Creole Robotics.” Poster presented
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