Collaboration/Partnerships The Department continued and renewed agreements and sought new partner- ships with other universities, private sector entities, government ministries and non-governmental organisations to support its programmes and activities and create mutually beneficial collaborations. Some of our partnerships over 2022–23 are outlined below. − To continue collaboration between the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) and The UWI, and through the efforts of Dean Silvia Kouwenberg and Dr. Joseph T. Farquharson, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed in August 2022. − The Department of Chemistry continued to participate in the Writing/Speaking Across the Curriculum (WAC/SAC) initiative of the English Language Section (ELS). In this arrangement, the ELS identifies a graduate student who facili- tates writing and speaking sessions for students in Chemistry and Chemistry sponsors the Departmental Award. − The Department collaborated with the Indian High Commission and the Indian Cultural Society to host successfully the 2022 Gandhi Day celebration involving garlanding of the Gandhi Statue in the FHE Sculpture Park and a public lecture entitled “Gandhian Model of Self-Reliance for Post-Colonial Democracies: India and Jamaica” and delivered by Professor Balaganapathi Devarakonda on October 2, 2022. − We collaborated with Jamaica National Commission for UNESCO (JNC-UNE- SCO) to celebrate World Philosophy Day on November 17, 2022. JNC-UNESCO sponsored the event with a contribution of J$80,000. Organized around the theme “The Question of Nature: Human Responsibility and the Environment,” UWI/UNESCO World Philosophy Day 2022 was declared open by Ms. Paula Isturiz Cavero, Programme Specialist for the Social and Human Sciences in the UNESCO Office for the Caribbean. Also participating in the event were Hon. Olivia Grange, CD, MP (Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport), represented by Mr. Everton Hannan (Secretary General, JNC-UNESCO) and Dr. Carey Wallace, Executive Director of the Tourism Enhancement Fund. − Ms. Khimaja Connell, upon invitation, visited the Institute for Moral Theology at the Catholic Private University in Linz, Austria on June 27, 2023. A group at the institution that holds discussions about the Russia-Ukraine war would like to include a Caribbean perspective in the discussion and has invited her to submit a paper. − Based on the outreach efforts of Ms. Khimaja Connell, the Montego Bay Marine Park Trust proposed an initiative to collaborate to host field trips at a discounted rate and donate a portion of the proceeds to the Department. July 2023.
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