The UWI Mona Campus' Annual Departmental Reports 2022_2023



• Baker-Gardner , Ruth. On February 1, 2023, Dr. Baker Gardner InfoTalk Pre- sentation on Code Orange: Threats of Contract Cheating and Artificial Intel- ligence Writing Tools to Regional Academic Integrity. • Baker-Gardner , Ruth., Attended the International Center for Academic Integ- rity from March 9–12 in Indianapolis, Indiana. She made a presentation titled “No Region Left Behind: Crafting a Research Agenda for Academic Integrity in the Caribbean” • Baker-Gardner, Ruth ., On November 1, 2022, was invited to do a presenta- tion on academic integrity with the teaching staff and administration of the HEART TRUST NTA. The session was attended by 81 individuals from the organization and was well received • Baker Gardner , Ruth., and Deans, Mark-Jeffery ., Published a collaborative research article titled “Academic Integrity and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Sup- porting Students, Strengthening the Academy.” The article was published in the UWI Quality Education Forum, issue No. 26 on December 12, 2022, under the theme Student Support Systems and Student Success in Higher Education. • Baker-Gardner , Ruth., and Deans, Mark-Jeffery . “Academic Integrity and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Supporting Students, Strengthening the Academy.” The UWI Quality Education Forum, no. 26., 2022. pp 1–28. https://journals.sta.uwi. edu/ojs/index.php/qef/article/view/8460 Dr Jeannette Bastian • Bastian, Jeannette A. “Archiving Cultures” Round table on Archivists in the Community” CARBICA XII Conference and General Assembly, 27 April 2023. Dr. Stanley Griffin • Griffin , Stanley H. Facilitator, “Dis is Who We Are: Identifying Memory in Community” Session I, University of Repair (Joint initiative of Decolonizing the Archive and Museum of London), 27th July 6pm BST via Zoom. • Griffin , Stanley H., Keynote Lecture: “No Record is an Island”: Unraveling the Value Paradox of Displaced and Migrated Archives, Migrated Archives Seminar and Workshop Series, Centre for Critical Archives and Records Management Studies, University College London, 19 October 2022. • Griffin, Stanley H. and Ferreira, Sparkle, “In/Forming A Nation: The West Indian Federal Information Service & The Trinidad Press” Department of Library and Information Studies, Weekly Seminar Series, INFOTalks, 19 October 2022. • Griffin, Stanley H. “Preserving Community Memory”, Harbour View Citi- zens Association and Community Research, Harbour View Branch Library, 27 October 2022.

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