IPM August 2016

Challenger School — an American Private School

thinkers by learning to integrate concrete facts, through their shared essential characteristics, into concepts. Challenger’s emphasis on independent reasoning skills—so rarely practiced in today’s world—results in their students’ extraordinary academic performance. OUR MISSION is to prepare children to become self-reliant, productive individuals; to teach them to think, speak, and write with clarity, precision, and independence; to lead them to recognize and value their individuality and unalienable rights; and to inspire them to embrace challenge and ¿QGMR\DQGVHOIZRUWKWKURXJKDFKLHYHPHQW ESSENTIAL CURRICULUM Challenger’s curriculum and philosophy embrace the value of life. They teach students to respect and protect the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness expressed so brilliantly by our Founding Fathers in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Challenger students regularly speak and perform before their peers, teachers, and parents from preschool on. This invaluable H[SHULHQFHKHOSVWKHPJDLQWKHFRQ¿GHQFH necessary to communicate effectively and with purpose. Challenger graduates often point to these experiences as the basis for success in college and the workplace.

IN 1960, WHILE TEACHING in a public school, Challenger School founder Barbara %DNHUEHFDPHDODUPHGWKDWKHU¿UVWJUDGH

BREATHTAKING RESULTS Challenger’s curriculum and proven teaching methods help each student gain the skills needed to excel. As students learn foundational concepts and apply reasoning skills, the results are spectacular. Challenger students achieve scores on average well above the 90th percentile on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS). This means that their average student outperforms nine out of ten students who take that test. Education is much more than a good classroom environment, adequate school supplies, fun playgrounds, and a nice teacher. Challenger School’s educational philosophy (why they do what they do) and methods (how they do what they do) are what set them apart from other schools. Challenger School, which offers preschool through eighth grade, operates a total of 23 campuses LQ ¿YH ZHVWHUQ VWDWHV )RU D ORFDWLRQ QHDU you, visit ChallengerSchool.com.

students had received no academics in kindergarten, wasting the best years for establishing a foundation for learning. Barbara decided to leave the comfort of the public schools and started her own preschool where she could teach phonics to children before they went to public school. ³, ¿JXUHG WKDW LI WKH\ OHDUQHG SKRQLFV LQ preschool, no one could take that away from them.” ,Q %DUEDUD¶V ¿UVW FODVV WKHUH ZHUH RQO\ six paying students. Two years later, as fascinated parents witnessed their children singing songs and bubblingwith excitement about learning, the tiny preschool had grown to 100 half-day preschool students with 100 students waiting for admission. Today, Challenger School educates more

than 10,000 students annually. TRADITIONAL METHODS

Challenger School teaches students early on that they are responsible for their own learning and for their own successes. Their students become independent, conceptual

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