CWU Summer 2021 Wildcat Guide


Emotional wellness to me is so important in college. College is such an amazing experience and like a lot of things can take a toll on you. CWU has so many programs and resources to ensure you are at your best emotionally. I personally go to Mindful Monday’s with the Wellness Center and I am able to relax and be mindful of my emotions whether that it through painting, making stress balls, or even simply drinking tea! - Teyonné Scanlan, 2021 graduate

Emotional Wellness: Wellness involves being attentive to your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, whether positive or negative. Emotional Wellness is the ability to be aware of and accept our feelings, rather than deny them, have an optimistic approach to life, and enjoy life despite its occasional disappointments and frustrations. Physical Wellness includes developing personal responsibility for your own health care, such as caring for minor illnesses and knowing when professional medical attention is needed. Developing physical wellness empowers you to monitor your own vital signs and understand your body’s warning signs. You’ll understand and appreciate the relationship between sound nutrition and physical activity and how your body performs. The physical benefits of looking good and feeling terrific most often lead to the psychological benefits of enhanced self-esteem, self-control, determination and a sense of direction.

HEALTH + WELLNESS We understand that your life is demanding and you are juggling a lot: school, work, family, self-care, and friends. You may also be managing your own health for the first time on your own. Sometimes it can all seem like too much and you get stuck with experiences of anxiety, sadness, stress, depression, lack of focus, tiredness, trouble with motivation or a decline in physical health. We want to help you find ways to manage those experiences and get the most out of your time at CWU.

Growth Mindset Growth mindset is the idea that, with effort, it’s possible to increase intelligence levels, talents, and abilities. Students who demonstrate a growth mindset believe their abilities develop over time, tend to seek out opportunities to gain new knowledge and broaden their skills, and do not typically shy away from challenges (Kazakoff & Mitchell, 2017). We encourage you to actively think about growth mindset when making friends, asking for resources and adjusting to college. STUDENT COUNSELING SERVICES We offer a range of mental health services for students and will help you find what is right for you. We are conducting our services both in person and via teletherapy (Secure Zoom). Enrolled students can access additional mental health services through WildcatCare365 by visiting or downloading the TimelyCare app and signing up with their CWU credentials. If you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts, an acute stressor, are thinking that you just can’t do it anymore, or something happens that threatens the safety of yourself or others, we’ll get you in for a same-day emergency appointment. Staff is available Monday through Friday, 8 AM – 5 PM. Call us at 509-963-1391 and ask for a “Crisis Appointment.” If you are in imminent danger or a life-threatening situation, call 911 right away. After Hours Mental Health Resources For after-hours crisis management or additional support, contact one of the following 24-hour numbers or resources: CENTRAL WASHINGTON COMPREHENSIVE MENTAL HEALTH Ellensburg: 509-925-4168 Cle Elum: 509-674-2881 SCS sponsored TalkNow service through WildcatCare365 through the TimelyCare app.

What was the most stressful part about starting college?


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If you are experiencing thoughts of suicide or you are concerned for a friend, please call The Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK immediately. Text “HOME” to 741741 when in crisis.


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